miloh / pytebeat
Forked from kragen/pytebeatPython Bytebeat livecoding software in SDL.
A small bridge to link a SWD programmer to an AVX Open Ended Card Edge connector.
Videomasher downloads, clockwork-oranges, and mashes videos!
Alternative firmware for ESP8266 modules
sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
Little hack to create GCode for multiple 'screw' shells
Command line program to order pizza from Domino's Pizza
Order pizza over the commandline (circa 2004)
Jogging a machine such as a 3D printer or CNC machine with a gampad. Mostly proof of concept.
kongorillaSJK / recirculating
Forked from jcrocholl/recirculatingPrototype for 3D printable linear motion carriage with recirculating Delrin/Nylon balls, for use with aluminium extrusion
These are drafts for the UFIDS pages
Connecting Android, Arduino and HM-10 Bluetooth LE modules!
A dieselpunk novel with Spanish-created robot hobos in a balcanized America at the beginning of the XX century
CUPS Backend / Filter for Filament Deposition Modelers
Firmware for Arduino based RepRap 3D printer.
openhatch browser
Pronterface, Pronsole, and Printcore - Pure Python 3d printing host software