- Nis, Serbia
- www.toox.dev
- @milos_toox
The full stack <head> package for any framework.
Pretty print JavaScript errors on the Web and the Terminal
Generate zod schemas from typescript types/interfaces
typescript http client and server with zod validation
⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
🤖 Headless, performant, and type-safe form state management for TS/JS, React, Vue, Angular, Solid, and Lit.
Premade shadcn better-auth cards & forms
The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful
Collection of libraries to create an input mask which ensures that user types value according to predefined format.
All-in-one development workspace for managing environments and collaborating on projects.
Generate PrimeVue themes from an image
Local-first Developer Tool to Build, Test, Intercept & Mock API Requests. Requestly is a combination of REST API Client and HTTP Interceptor. It is simple, beautiful and powerful alternative to Pos…
🖋 Vue Signature Pad Component
🔌 Cross-platform WebSocket Servers for Node.js, Deno, Bun and Cloudflare Workers.
Nuxt UI plugins for TemPad Dev.
Give Cursor Agent an AI Team and Advanced Skills
A very simple context menu component for Vue3 一个简洁美观简单的Vue3右键菜单组件
🔥 TypeScript implementation of the Cap'n Proto serialization.
A set of components created with Radix-Vue. Inspired by shadcn/ui & shadcn-vue.
Försäkringskassans Designsystem
playwright-nuxt3-e2e is a GitHub repository that contains end-to-end (E2E) tests for Nuxt 3 applications using Playwright. Playwright is a powerful automation library that allows you to control web…