Mina Markham minamarkham
- San Francisco, CA
- http://mina.codes
- @minamarkh.am
My macOS environment: zsh, Git, Visual Studio Code, etc.
The modern API client that lives in your terminal.
Style definitions for nice terminal layouts 👄
Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text
Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum.
A curated list of awesome ATProto resources
ATProto Feed Generator Starter Kit
Playing with ATPROTO to pull and post to blue sky
Social networking technology created by Bluesky
A switching title effect where a fixed element changes depending on the scroll position.
A simple grid-powered multibox menu that shows with a reveal animation.
A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
❤️ JavaScript/TypeScript linter (ESLint wrapper) with great defaults
CLI tool that allows you to convert your VS Code color theme to a VS 2022 color theme.
The Design Token Framework — Adopt a unified design language across platforms, codebases, and teams
Guidelines for building GitHub templates.
This repository contains all the tools you need to start building a modern WordPress theme, using all the latest front end development tools.
💻 Wordpress like it's 2022 with Webpack and Docker
Start your project with a remedy for the technical debt of CSS.
A better workflow for building modern static websites.
A boilerplate for building web projects with Gulp.js.
✅ checks presence of various command line tools and their versions on the path
📍 My dotfiles for macOS using Neovim, Zsh or Fish, and Kitty or iTerm+Tmux