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Minder documentation

This directory contains the user documentation for Minder, hosted at

The docs are built with Docusaurus, an open source static website generator optimized for documentation use cases.

Contributing to docs

We welcome community contributions to the Minder documentation - if you find something missing, wrong, or unclear, please let us know via an issue or open a PR!

Please review the style guide for help with voice, tone, and formatting.

Building the docs locally

Start from the top level directory of the minder repository and generate the CLI docs:

make cli-docs

Change to the docs directory:

cd docs

Run a preview server (this will automatically refresh most changes as you make them):

npm run start

Your browser should automatically open to http://localhost:3000

Run a "production" build, this will also test for broken internal links:

npm run build

Serve the production build locally:

npm run serve -- --port 3001

Visit http://localhost:3001/ to view the build.


Before you submit a PR, please check for formatting and linting issues:

npm run prettier
npm run markdownlint
npm run eslint

To automatically fix issues:

npm run prettier:fix
npm run markdownlint:fix
npm run eslint:fix