minekube connect . dashboard . discord . minekube gate . gate template

Minekube Connect allows you to connect any Minecraft server, whether online mode, public, behind your protected home network or anywhere else in the world, with our managed, highly available, performant and low latency edge proxies network nearest to you.
High-performance, resource-efficient Minecraft reverse proxy with robust multi-protocol version support. Designed as a scalable Velocity/BungeeCord alternative, suitable for both development and large-scale deployments. Proven in production environments, powering our global Connect edge proxy network.
A Golang starter template for creating your awesome Minecraft proxy and extensions powered by Minekube Gate 🚀 Fork it!
Minecraft Plugin for Connect, allows tunneled player connections from Connect Network to join Spigot/Paper server and Velocity/BungeeCord proxy, even in online mode!
Cloudflare Worker HTTP reverse proxy to multiplex Mojang Sessionserver “hasJoined” requests to multiple endpoints (e.g. Minekube Connect + Minehut External Server + Mojang)