Simula Research Laboratory
- Oslo, Norway
- 1h ahead - @minrk@hachyderm.io
Workaround to make scikit-umfpack compatible with SuiteSparse version 7.x.x.
Official repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
Tasks, management and documentation for Outreachy Internships in JupyterHub
A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.
Shared Memory Numpy ( Deprecated, See https://github.com/ContinuumIO/blaze )
TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
minrk / jquery-ui
Forked from jquery/jquery-uiThe official jQuery user interface library.
minrk / iruby
Forked from rclements/irubyIRuby has moved: https://github.com/sciruby/iruby
Experimental work for using IPython.parallel with scikit-learn
Experimental work for using IPython.parallel with scikit-learn
minrk / vbench
Forked from wesm/vbenchvbench: A tool for benchmarking your code through time, for showing performance improvement or regressions
vbench: A tool for benchmarking your code through time, for showing performance improvement or regressions