- Austria
- 1h ahead - https://lucumr.pocoo.org/
- @mitsuhiko.at
- @mitsuhiko
- @mitsuhiko@hachyderm.io
insta Public
A snapshot testing library for rust
minijinja Public
MiniJinja is a powerful but minimal dependency template engine for Rust compatible with Jinja/Jinja2
minijinja-playground Public
WASM based playground for MiniJinja
procspawn Public
like thread::spawn but for processes
similar-asserts Public
Provides assert_eq! like macros with colorized diff output
tokio-unix-ipc Public
A super minimal wrapper around unix sockets for IPC on top of tokio.
can-i-have-your-username Public
I would love to get in touch with you to get your github username
7 UpdatedFeb 16, 2025 -
datafusion-sqlparser-rs Public
Forked from apache/datafusion-sqlparser-rsExtensible SQL Lexer and Parser for Rust
similar Public
A high level diffing library for rust based on diffs
aHash Public
Forked from tkaitchuck/aHashaHash is a non-cryptographic hashing algorithm that uses the AES hardware instruction
systemfd Public
Development helper utility for helping with auto reloading for projects supporting systemd socket activation
listenfd Public
Helper crate to work with systemd/catflap socket activation
memo-map Public
A crate implementing a synchronized map for memoization
self-replace Public
Utility library that helps to implement processes that replace themselves
fair.io Public
Forked from fairsource/fair.ioSoftware sharing for modern businesses. Engage the developer community with your core products.
teetty Public
A bit like tee, a bit like script, but all with a fake tty. Lets you remote control and watch a process
small-ctor Public
Minimal, dependency free implementation of the ctor crate
sha1-smol Public
Minimal and dependency free implementation of SHA1 for Rust
phpserialize Public
A PHP serializer implementation for Python
mistral.rs Public
Forked from EricLBuehler/mistral.rsBlazingly fast LLM inference.
text-generation-inference Public
Forked from huggingface/text-generation-inferenceLarge Language Model Text Generation Inference