My personal site, stripped down to something I'll actually maintain.
The projects folder only exists to support legacy URLs; the contents redirect to pypi mostly, except for the python distribution files, for which proper redirects would otherwise be too cumbersome to support.
Install rbenv from homebrew, activate it, and install a supported Ruby version, from the rbenv
local pin file:
$ brew install rbenv
$ rbenv init
$ rbenv install -s $(cat .ruby-version)
You'll need to add rbenv to .zshrc
I should periodically update the ruby version used to follow GitHub.
Once the ruby environment has been set up, make sure bundler is installed:
$ gem install bundler
then install all dependencies
$ bundle install
For more info, see the GitHub pages documentation.
The local bin/
directory contains binstubs for the requisite gems, and
there's a direnv .envrc
file in the root
that adds that directory to your PATH when entering this directory. Please
tell direnv to allow this to work with:
$ direnv allow .
Keep the local toolchain up-to-date with:
$ bundle update
Run a local server to preview posts with:
$ rake serve
If you don't use direnv and have given direnv permission to run the local .envrc
settings, then use bin/rake
, so bundle dependencies can be found.
I am using Minimal Mistakes as the theme.
- The style is customised purely in
. - The jekyll-redirect-to
layout was customised to add Google analytics.
I've set up htmlproofer to check for link rot, run periodically with:
$ rake test