A tool that reminds you to commit with the correct email address
commit-email is available on the AUR. Afterwards add the shell script to your shell configuration.
Use cargo to install commit-email.
cargo install commit-email
Afterwards add the shell script to your shell configuration.
This script runs commit-email every time you run git commit
function git() {
if [ "$1" = "commit" ]
# Path to commit-email binary (Arch)
# Path to commit-email binary (Cargo)
# $HOME/.cargo/bin/commit-email
command git $@
If you want do adjust the config file for the commit-email
tool, you will find the configs in the following path ~/.config/commit-email/commit-email.toml
# List of repo urls where the tool will not set a commit email
ignore = []
# Emails the tool will use
emails = [
The tool will also use your global git email, if set (e.g. in your global .gitconfig