- Chicago IL
- marinamalaguti.info
ar-cutpaste Public
Forked from cyrildiagne/ar-cutpasteCut and paste your surroundings using AR
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 30, 2021 -
hackathon-starter Public
Forked from sahat/hackathon-starterA boilerplate for Node.js web applications
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2019 -
learn-anything Public
Forked from learn-anything/learn-anythingOrganize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
MIT License UpdatedNov 11, 2019 -
yolomanifesto Public
Forked from davesnx/yolomanifestoYolo Manifesto Website
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 19, 2019 -
minimal-mistakes Public
Forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2019 -
opentheme Public
Forked from manavsehgal/openthemePowerful new theme featuring Semantic UI for speedily creating amazing websites and mobile-hybrid apps on GitHub Pages.
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 3, 2017 -
TheDataIncubator Public
Master Folder for the 12 weeks Data Science Bootcamp
HTML UpdatedApr 22, 2017 -
election-transparency Public
Forked from Data4Democracy/election-transparencyA Data4Democracy community working to make elections and elections data more transparent
HTML UpdatedApr 12, 2017 -
flask-demo Public
Forked from thedataincubator/flask-frameworkBasic template for using Flask on Heroku
HTML UpdatedMar 16, 2017 -
beaker-notebook Public
Forked from twosigma/beakerxWeb-based, polyglot research platform.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 9, 2016 -
fullstack-nanodegree-vm Public
Forked from udacity/fullstack-nanodegree-vmPython UpdatedMay 4, 2016 -
SparkR-pkg Public
Forked from amplab-extras/SparkR-pkgR frontend for Spark
R Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 20, 2016 -
Sunshine-Version-2 Public
Forked from udacity/Sunshine-Version-2The official repository for Developing Android Apps
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 18, 2016 -
datasci_course_materials Public
Forked from uwescience/datasci_course_materialsPublic repository for course materials for the Data Science at Scale Specialization at Coursera
HTML UpdatedJan 8, 2016 -
FreeCodeCamp Public
Forked from freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCampThe http://FreeCodeCamp.com open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 9, 2015 -
hacker-scripts Public
Forked from NARKOZ/hacker-scriptsBased on a true story
Python UpdatedNov 25, 2015 -
data-scientists-guide-apache-spark Public
Forked from gitter-badger/data-scientists-guide-apache-sparkBest practices of using Spark for practicing data scientists in the context of a data scientist’s standard workflow.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 10, 2015 -
github3.py Public
Forked from sigmavirus24/github3.pyPython library for interfacing with the GitHub APIv3
Python Other UpdatedJun 5, 2015 -
PyGithub Public
Forked from PyGithub/PyGithubPython library implementing the GitHub API v3
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2015 -
exhibit Public
Forked from jwills/exhibitA prototype of Hive UDFs/UDTFs that execute nested SQL queries within rows.
Java UpdatedApr 23, 2015