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Server and client code for

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Use rvm to get ruby version 1.9.3.
  3. Download to run Postgres locally.
  4. Run bundle to install gems.
  5. Run rake db:reset to create the databases.
  6. Run rake db:seed_admins to create the original admins.
  7. Create .env and set all the variables shown in .env.sample
  8. Run foreman start to start the server.
  9. Hack away.

Code Style

  • 2 spaces for indentation in JS and Ruby.
  • 4 spaces for indentation in HTML, CSS.
  • Be consistent with what's already there.
  • Use single quotes for strings everywhere except when:
    • Single quotes are embedded in the string, i.e. "'Hello world', said the monster."
    • Variables are to be embedded in the string, i.e. "Hello #{world}"
    • HTML and CSS files. Double quotes should be used strictly for these files.
  • Follow the ruby style guide:
  • Follow the rails style guide:
  • Use JSHint.
  • TODOs should take the following form in code: // TODO(username): gotta do this thing