This is a creator of posters. Available features:
✨ Add background from disk
✨ Add image from disk and customize its size and position
✨ Add text and customize the color, position and available area of the text
✨ Download PNG image (1080px by 1350px)
✨ Not satisfied of your poster? Reset and start again!
🚀 Ultra fast (0.4s Speed Index, LCP and FCP)
🚀 344kB bundle size
- Node.js v22.13.1
- pnpm v9.x
Install fresh packages:
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
pnpm dev
pnpm build
pnpm preview
Application will be built in dist
pnpm test
This repository is configured with Continuous Deployment strategy, that means that every time you push changes to main
GitHub Pages will be deployed.
- React.js 18
- Tailwind 4.x
- Canvg - for drawing SVG files on canvas
- TypeScript