Open source alternative to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise
Current backend features (all partial):
- Organisations
- Projects (custom implementation, allowing project-level VCS configuration/permissions etc.)
- Environments and environment lifecycles
- Workspaces
- Users
- Teams
- Authentication
- Terraform state management
- Configuration versions
- Tasks/Workspace tasks/Task stage/Task results
- Tags (partial)
- Support for:
- Terraform init
- Terraform plan
- Terraform apply
- Terraform state
- Terraform destroy
- Targetted plan/apply/destroys
- Github Integration - perform runs throuugh UI pulling source from Github repos
Current UI implementation:
- Authentication
- Organisation create/list
- User token view/create
- Workspace create/list
- Tasks
- Workspace tasks
- View runs, plan output, apply output and perform actions on runs
This project is in early development - only use this project for fun purposes
Under no circumstances should this project be used ANYWHERE outside of development of the project.
git clone ssh://
cd terrarun
# Setup python virtualenv and install dependencies
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Upgrade database and add initial organisation/environments
python ./bin/ --migrate-database --admin-username=admin --admin-email=admin@localhost --admin-password=password --global-agent-pool=default-pool
# Create additional users, if necessary
python ./bin/ --username seconduser --password=password2 --email=user2@localhost <--site-admin>
# Setup UI packages
pushd ui
npm install # Verify this
cp .env-example .env
# Update BASE_URL in .env
# Add SSL certs as public.pem and private.pem to ./ssl directory
docker-compose up
# Wait for DB to startup
docker-compose logs -f
# Perform initial setup
docker-compose exec api python ./bin/ --migrate-database --admin-username=admin --admin-email=admin@localhost --admin-password=password --global-agent-pool=default-pool
# Copy database file into your repository
docker cp <CONTAINER_ID>:/app/test.db .
# Attach local file as a volume into a docker container by adding this to your docker run execution
-v $PWD/test.db:/app/test.db
# Running without SSL certs (not recommended)
python ./ &
cd ui
ng serve -o
# With SSL Certs (required for running with terraform)
python ./ --ssl-cert-private-key ./private.pem --ssl-cert-public-key ./public.pem
cd ui
ng serve -o --public-host=<hostname> --ssl --ssl-cert ../public.pem --ssl-key ../private.pem
The custom agent is WIP, but there is more support for the Official Hashicorp agent, currently tested with v1.8.0 (
Run with:
./tfc-agent -address -token=<Token from>
# An example script to generate CA certificate and SSL certs is in `bin/`.
./bin/ localhost ## Or whichever domain is to be used for local development
# The private/public key can be found at ./example/ssl-certs/dev.key and ./example/ssl-certs/dev.crt, respectively.
# The public CA key can be found at ./example/ssl-certs/myCA.pem, which can be added to system trusted certs for browser and verication by Terraform CLI
This project is solely based on the API documentation by Hashicorp at
To avoid any issues with Hashicorp, it is required that contributors state that they have never used, trialled or viewed any in-depth training/videos of Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise.
- Matt Comben
Copyright (c) 2022 Matt Comben
Terrarun can not be copied and/or distributed without the express permission of the authors