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170 lines (136 loc) · 8.56 KB




Property Type Default Description
chooseMonthLabel String Choose month Text label that is used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the dropdown icon button next to the current month and date in the yearGrid view.
chooseYearLabel String Choose year Text label that is used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the dropdown icon button next to the current month and date in the calendar view.
disabledDates String Comma separated string consisting of all disabled dates. It prefers the ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2020-02-02,2020-12-12, 2020-02-02T00:00:00.000Z,2020-12-12T00:00:00.000Z.
disabledDays String Comma separated string consisting of all disabled days. It accepts any values in between 0 and 6 (inclusive), e.g. 0,2,4
firstDayOfWeek Number 0 First day of the week in a calendar. It accepts any values in between 0 and 6 (inclusive).
locale String <system_default_locale> ISO 639 language code, e.g. en-US.
max String Maximum date that is used to construct the date range internally for all displayable dates in the calendar. When it is not set or set to undefined, it is set to MAX_DATE which is 2100-12-31. It prefers the ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2020-02-02, 2020-02-02T00:00:00.000Z.
min String Minimum date that is used to construct the date range internally for all displayable dates in the calendar. When it is not set or set to undefined, it is set to MIN_DATE which is 1970-01-01. It prefers the ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2020-02-02, 2020-02-02T00:00:00.000Z.
nextMonthLabel String Next month Text label that is used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the chevron right (>) icon button to navigate to the next calendar month if available.
previousMonthLabel String Previous month Text label that is used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the chevron left (<) icon button to navigate to the previous calendar month if available.
selectedDateLabel String Selected date Text label that is used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the selected date (20) in the calendar.
selectedYearLabel String Selected year Text label that is used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the selected year (2020) in the year grid.
shortWeekLabel String Wk Text label that is used in displaying the header of the week numbers column when showWeekNumber is set to true.
showWeekNumber Boolean false When it is set to true, a column of week numbers with a short week label defined by the value of shortWeekLabel will be displayed on the very left side of the calendar.
startView String calendar It is used to render the initial view of the picker. It accepts either calendar or yearGrid.
todayLabel String Today Text label used in the tooltip when mouse hovering today's date in the calendar.
toyearLabel String Toyear Text label used in the tooltip when mouse hovering today's year in the year grid.
value String <today_date> Selected date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd, e.g. 2020-02-02. It can also be used as an input to select a date in the calendar with a string date that is in the ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g. 2020-02-02T00:00:00.000Z.
weekLabel String Week Text label used in the tooltip when mouse hovering the header of the week numbers column defined by the value of shortWeekLabel in the calendar with showWeekNumber being set to true.
weekNumberTemplate String Week %s Text label used in the tooltip when mouse hovering a week number in the calendar with showWeekNumber being set to true, e.g. Week 7 when mouse hovering week number 7.
weekNumberType String first-4-day-week It is used to configure how week number is calculated. The accepted values are first-4-day-week, first-day-of-year, and first-full-week.
valueAsDate Readonly<Date> <today_date> Read-only selected date represented by the JavaScript Date object, e.g. new Date('2020-02-02').
valueAsNumber Readonly<Number> <today_date> Read-only elected date in milliseconds since the ECMAScript epoch, e.g. 1580601600000.




Event Description
date-updated Fires when the selected date changes. Returned an object of

interface DateUpdated {
  isKeypress: boolean;
  value: string;
  valueAsDate: Date;
  valueAsNumber: number;

via the read-only detail property.

first-updated Fires when the picker first rendered. Returned an object of

interface FirstUpdated {
  focusableElement: HTMLElement[];
  value: string;
  valueAsDate: Date;
  valueAsNumber: number;

via the read-only detail property.

year-updated Fires when the selected year changes. Returned an object of

interface YearUpdated {
  year: number;

via the read-only detail property.

CSS Custom Properties

Base properties used for all elements

Property Default Description
--app-focus #000 Border color for all focus state.
--app-hover #6200ee Border color for all hover state.
--app-on-disabled rgba(0, 0, 0, .38) Text color for all disable state.
--app-on-focus #000 Text color for all focus state.
--app-on-hover #000 Text color for all hover state.
--app-on-primary #fff Primary text color.
--app-on-surface #000 Surface text color.
--app-on-today #000 Today text color.
--app-on-weekday #8c8c8c Weekday text color.
--app-on-week-number #8c8c8c Week number text color.
--app-primary #6200ee Primary background color.
--app-selected-focus #000 Border color for all focus state when selected.
--app-selected-hover #6200ee Border color for all hover state when selected.
--app-selected-on-focus #fff Text color for all focus state when selected.
--app-selected-on-hover #fff Text color for all hover state when selected.
--app-shape 4px Border radius of the picker.
--app-surface #fff Background color of the picker surface.
--app-today #000 Border color of today date.

app-date-picker specific properties

Property Default Description
--date-picker-max-height calc(52px + 4px + (32px * 7)) Maximum height of the picker.
--date-picker-min-height calc(52px + 4px + (32px * 7)) Minimum height of the picker.
--date-picker-min-width calc((16px * 2) + (32px * 7)) Minimum width of the picker.
--date-picker-mx-width calc((16px * 2) + (32px * 7)) Maximum width of the picker.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
body Picker body, might contain calendar or year-grid.
calendar-day Calendar day
calendar Calendar
caption Calendar caption
header Picker header
table Calendar table
today Today
toyear Toyear
week-number Calendar week number
weekday-value Calendar weekday
weekday Calendar weekday which contains weekday-value
weekdays Calendar weekdays
year-grid Year grid
year Year grid button