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Simple websocket channel server

License: MPL 2.0 Build Connect to Matrix via the Riot webapp

A project to make Firefox Account log-in, pairing and sync easier between devices or applications.


  • channelserver - websocket message relay server.
  • test_chan - python based external integration tester for channelserver.

For client code that uses this facility to create an encrypted and authenticated channel between two client devices, see fxa-pairing-channel.

Config options

Options can be set as ENV vars (prefixed with "PAIR_", e.g. "PAIR_PORT="8000""), or as arguments ("--port=8000").

See src/ for defaults.

GeoIP lookup

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

This will require a maxmind GeoIP lookup database. This presumes that the database will be in mmdb/latest/GeoLite2-City.mmdb. Use the mmdb_loc to specify a different path (Note: if running in the debugger, you may need to create a symlink under target/debug.)

Compile and run

After installing rust via rustup:

$ cargo run


When connecting to the server as a new session, the first response message contains a JSON response containing the URI path to send to the counterpart client, this is known as the "channel", and the discrete channelID.

e.g. for a connection to wss://


Additional connections can be made to the URI specified in link.

Messages sent are expected to be URL Safe base64 encoded blocks and are delivered wrapped in a JSON envelope containing the message and sender meta data.


{"message":"aBc12e....","sender":{"city":"Mountain View","country":"USA","region":"California","remote":"", }}

This will attempt to localize the geolocation data based on the preferred Accept-Languages: HTTP header. If no header is provided, results are unspecified (although probably in German). If an aspect of the location cannot be determined, it is not included in the output.

There are several limitations put in place and controlled by the following options:

max_exchanges (env: PAIR_MAX_EXCHANGES) - Limit the max number of messages that can be exchanged across a channel. (default: 10)

conn_lifespan (env: PAIR_CONN_LIFESPAN) - Limit the max lifespan of a give channel to this many seconds. The clock starts when the channel is first created. (default: 300)

client_timeout (env: PAIR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) - How often to check to see if a client connection has been closed. This can happen due to any number of reasons, but mostly because the internet hates long lived things. (default: 30)

max_channel_connections (env: PAIR_MAX_CHANNEL_CONNECTIONS) - Max number of connections to a given channel. NOTE after the second connection, subsequent connections must be from one of the previously connected IP addresses. (default: 3)

Additional settings are described in src/

This version of the server will echo data sent to a channel all other sessions on a channel. This will change in later versions.

Stats Collected

  • conn.create - New connection created
  • conn.expired - Connection terminated, channel lifespan expired
  • - Connection terminated due to too much data in channel
  • conn.max.msg - Connection terminated due to many messages exchanged through channel
  • conn.timeout - Connection terminated because of heartbeat timeout