A status sharing application built with React and the AT Protocol.
This is a React implementation of the example application covering:
- Signin via OAuth
- Fetch information about users (profiles)
- Listen to the network firehose for new data
- Publish data on the user's account using a custom schema
- Express.js backend that serves API endpointspackages/client
- React frontend using Vite
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Run this once, to run codegen from the lexicons
pnpm build:lexicon
pnpm dev
# Build commands
pnpm build # Build in correct order: lexicon → client → appview
pnpm build:lexicon # Build only the lexicon package (type definitions)
pnpm build:client # Build only the frontend
pnpm build:appview # Build only the backend
# Start commands
pnpm start # Start the server (serves API and frontend)
pnpm start:client # Start frontend development server only
pnpm start:dev # Start both backend and frontend separately (development only)
# Other utilities
pnpm typecheck # Run type checking
pnpm format # Format all code
For production deployment:
Build all packages in the correct order:
pnpm build
This will:
- Build the lexicon package first (shared type definitions)
- Build the frontend (
) next - Finally build the backend (
Start the server:
pnpm start
The backend server will:
- Serve the API at
endpoints - Serve the frontend static files from the client's build directory
- Handle client-side routing by serving index.html for all non-API routes
This simplifies deployment to a single process that handles both the API and serves the frontend assets.
Copy the .env.template
file in the appview to .env
cd packages/appview
cp .env.template .env
- Node.js 18+
- pnpm 9+