Version: 0.8.9 alpha 11 November 2014
- all API methods in MendeleyKit now return a MendeleyTask object to allow cancellation of network calls. The method signatures for network provider and API helper classes were changed accordingly.
- Notice: the SDK makes use of a 3rd party code provided by Apple to check on network reachability. The code is provided in accordance with Apple licence (see source code file Reachability.h/.m)
Released: October 2014
** Important notice: this is an early pre-release version and is subject to change **
MendeleyKit is a standalone Objective C library providing convenience methods and classes for using the Mendeley API in Mac OSX or iOS applications.
Note, this is an alpha version of the MendeleyKit.
XCode 5.1.1 iOS 7.x or higher
The easiest way to include MendeleyKit in your project is to use cocoapods. The Podfile in your project should include the following line
pod 'MendeleyKit', :git => ''
From command line, simply do
pod install
For further information on Cocoapods see Cocoapods.
Alternatively, you may clone the public MendeleyKit from our github repository.
MendeleyKit XCode workspace includes a MendeleyKitExample project. This demonstrates basic functionality such as authenticating with the Mendeley server, obtaining a list of documents, files and groups.
It is recommended to consult with the classes contained in the MendeleyKitExample project.
In addition the github repository includes a file. This contains a complete reference set in HTML and Docset format.
When running the MendeleyKitExample app, please ensure you have
- client ID
- client secret key
- redirect URI
They need to be entered in the ViewController.h file. Note: code containing client IDs, client secrets, redirect URI will not be accepted in pull requests!
Mendeley API has links to create your app client id, key and redirect URIs.
Every client communicating with the server needs to be registered with the Mendeley developer portal Mendeley API.
Registration is quick, painless and free. It will give you the 3 essential ingredients you will need to supply when using the MendeleyKit in your app
- client ID
- client secret key
- redirect URI
These values need to match exactly the ones from the dev portal. The redirect URI should be a fully formed URL, such as - e.g. http://localhost/myredirect (rather than just 'localhost/myredirect). This avoids any pitfalls or 'Frame load interrupted' messages in the UIWebView kit.
This is an early-bird version of the MendeleyKit. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions. If you would like to make active contributions, e.g. code changes/additions,
- code submissions should only be made to Development branch via pull requests.
- you may create your own subbranches from Development and submit to it at will. However, if you want to merge it into Development then you would need to create a pull request
- Note: code containing client IDs, client secrets, redirect URI will not be accepted in pull requests!
All official releases of the MendeleyKit are tagged versions on master. Mendeley reserves the rights to merge changes made to Development into master. Each release will contain a RELEASE text file outlining changes made.
Please use the Issues feature on github to report any problems you encounter with the MendeleyKit. For feedback/suggestions please contact: