Releases: msasikanth/twine
Releases · msasikanth/twine
- Performance improvements when displaying large posts and feed list
- Reduced memory usage when fetching hundreds/thousands of feeds (Fixes app being slow and crashing)
- Reader screen UI improvements
- Add support for handling YouTube feeds
- Bug fixes and improvements
What's Changed
- Simplify source filtering in post queries by @msasikanth in #865
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.9.0 by @renovate in #864
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.12.1 by @renovate in #861
- Use limited parallelism for DB operations and when fetch feed by @msasikanth in #868
- Change default app theme to auto by @msasikanth in #869
- Reader screen style improvements by @msasikanth in #874
- Create junction table for tracking feeds in feed groups by @msasikanth in #876
- Fix foreign key violations during DB v22 migration by @msasikanth in #879
- Add missing
clause inFeedGroup#groupsByIds
query by @msasikanth in #880 - Add
to foreign keys inFeedGroupFeed
table. by @msasikanth in #881 - Add leakcanary dependency by @msasikanth in #877
- Parse media content from YouTube feeds correctly by @msasikanth in #871
- Update TrTwineStrings.kt by @mikropsoft in #873
- Reader screen styling improvements by @msasikanth in #887
- Handle cases where Ktor fails to parse content type when fetching feed by @msasikanth in #890
Full Changelog: v1.50.1...v1.51.0
Full Changelog: v1.50.0...v1.50.1
- Add support for JSON feeds
- Add support to hide posts with muted/blocked words
- Add setting to enable marking posts as read on scroll
- Add setting to disable auto sync
- Add setting to toggle between feed icon and website fav icon
- Add support for non-HTTPS feeds
- Improve talkback accessibility coverage (more changes coming up for this in next update)
- Improve home screen user experience, and increase content area on scroll
- Show blurred background/gradient in the home screen in light mode as well
- Improve feed fetching coverage to handle not well formatted feed gracefully
Bug fixes
- Fix home screen content blinking while updating
- Fix app going back to home screen on device theme change
What's Changed
- Update Kotlin, KSP and Compose Multiplatform by @renovate in #767
- Update dependency io.github.vinceglb:filekit-compose to v0.8.8 by @renovate in #763
- Update tramlinehq/deploy-action action to v0.1.7 by @renovate in #765
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.8.1 by @renovate in #769
- Bump dependencies by @msasikanth in #792
- Use
function when loading featured posts in the home screen by @msasikanth in #793 - Bump Bugsnag dependency on iOS to v6.32.0 by @msasikanth in #797
- Update dependency com.diffplug.spotless to v7.0.2 by @renovate in #794
- Select latest xcode version when building iOS prod archive by @msasikanth in #799
- Add "ld-classic" linker flag by @msasikanth in #801
- Refactor
function in theHomePresenter
by @msasikanth in #803 - Handle relative redirect locations in header when fetching RSS feeds by @msasikanth in #804
- Improve feed content parsing by @msasikanth in #805
- Fix screen stack going back to home screen on config changes by @msasikanth in #807
- Add support for non-HTTPs feeds by @msasikanth in #808
- Animate item updates in the home screen by @msasikanth in #810
- Change feed edit action label to settings by @msasikanth in #812
- Load source article if post doesn't contain any content by @msasikanth in #813
- Bump Ktor and Ksoup dependencies, and replace okio with kotlinx-io by @msasikanth in #816
- Add setting to disable auto update/sync by @msasikanth in #818
- Add global setting to toggle between displaying website fav icon or the feed icon by @msasikanth in #820
- Limit context item label to single line by @msasikanth in #822
- Display featured section blurred background in light mode by @msasikanth in #825
- Home appbar UI improvements by @msasikanth in #830
- Hide bottom bar in home screen when posts list is scrolled by @msasikanth in #831
- Adjust dropdown menu positioning based on the anchor button height by @msasikanth in #832
- Update dependency gradle to v8.13 by @renovate in #834
- Update essenty to v2.5.0 by @renovate in #829
- Update ktor monorepo to v3.1.1 by @renovate in #828
- Add support for hiding posts in the home screen with blocked words by @msasikanth in #824
- Calculate new sheet peek height
in the home screen by @msasikanth in #836 - Update dependency to v2.1.5 by @renovate in #790
- Conditionally update date and read status for existing posts by @msasikanth in #839
- Update androidx.datastore to v1.1.3 by @renovate in #788
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.8.2 by @renovate in #838
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #774
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-io-core to v0.7.0 by @renovate in #840
- Add support for marking posts as read on scroll by @msasikanth in #846
- Update German translation by @gabrbrand in #843
- Improve talkback accessibility by @msasikanth in #849
- Add gradient scrim at bottom of home screen to provide better contrast for the nav bar by @msasikanth in #850
- Add support for JSON feeds by @msasikanth in #852
- Reorganise files in network parser package by @msasikanth in #854
- Fix bug preventing from showing all feeds in the expanded feeds sheet by @msasikanth in #856
- Fix feeds sort not visible in expanded content by @msasikanth in #857
- Update README by @msasikanth in #859
New Contributors
- @gabrbrand made their first contribution in #843
Full Changelog: v1.49.0...v1.50.0
What's Changed
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.5.1 by @renovate in #608
- Update dependency org.kobjects.ktxml:core to v0.3.2 by @renovate in #609
- Update ktor monorepo to v2.3.12 by @renovate in #617
- Update dependency androidx.test:runner to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #621
- Fix a memory leak in AndroidFileManager by @mr3y-the-programmer in #633
- Update dependency gradle to v8.9 by @renovate in #638
- Update dependency io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview-multiplatform to v1.9.20 by @renovate in #636
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #635
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.6.1 by @renovate in #628
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu to v0.25.0 by @renovate in #625
- Update dependency androidx.test:rules to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #623
- Bump Kotlin, KSP and Compose by @msasikanth in #647
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #606
- Update xmlutil to v0.90.1 by @renovate in #613
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.1 by @renovate in #648
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #649
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.2 by @renovate in #653
- Update Coil to v3.0.0-alpha09 by @msasikanth in #658
- Add support for reordering pinned sources by @msasikanth in #665
- Update dependency sh.calvin.reorderable:reorderable to v2.3.0 by @renovate in #675
- Update dependency to v2.0.0-1.0.24 by @renovate in #679
- [1.47.1] Post-release merge by @tramline-github in #682
- Add support for dynamic light mode by @msasikanth in #692
- Add support for loading fav icons using Coil based on feed homepage link by @msasikanth in #710
- [1.48.1] Post-release merge by @tramline-github in #718
- Update dependency sh.calvin.reorderable:reorderable to v2.3.3 by @renovate in #733
- Bump Compose WebView to v1.9.40-alpha03 by @msasikanth in #749
- Wrap HTML content in reader view with a
by @msasikanth in #753 - Update Kotlin, KSP and Compose Multiplatform to v1.7.0-rc01 by @renovate in #691
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.4 by @renovate in #699
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.6.1 by @renovate in #707
- Update dependency sh.calvin.reorderable:reorderable to v2.3.3 by @renovate in #740
- Update kotlininject to v0.7.2 by @renovate in #739
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #731
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime to v0.6.1 by @renovate in #730
- Update dependency co.touchlab.crashkios:bugsnag to v0.9.0 by @renovate in #741
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-collections-immutable to v0.3.8 by @renovate in #729
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.8.0 by @renovate in #756
- Update dependency io.github.vinceglb:filekit-compose to v0.8.3 by @renovate in #743
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 by @renovate in #715
- Update stately to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #744
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.7.0 by @renovate in #758
New Contributors
- @mr3y-the-programmer made their first contribution in #633
Full Changelog: v1.46.0...v1.49.0
- Theme switching - Light/Dark modes (Follows system theme)
- Added support for RTL layouts based on content
- Improvements to dynamic theming performance
- Improvements to featured section swipe performance
- Reader view styling improvements
- Fix feed favicons not loading
- Fix item peeking not working in featured section
- Fix source name misalignment in post list items
What's Changed
- [1.47.1] Post-release merge by @tramline-github in #682
- Add support for dynamic light mode by @msasikanth in #692
- Add support for loading fav icons using Coil based on feed homepage link by @msasikanth in #710
Full Changelog: v1.47.1...v1.48.1
- Mark as read button in the home screen
- Reorderable pinned sources
- RSS 1.0/RDF support
- Improved home screen performance and memory consumption when displaying featured posts
- Improved OPML importing/exporting reliability.
- App now supports importing & exporting groups from OPML (no nested folders/groups support)
- Extended encoding options when parsing feeds, this should improve fetching non-UTF8 feeds
- Fixed Cyrillic text not rendering (requires refresh of the source)
- Fixed missing characters when parsing Chinese feeds (requires refresh of the source)
- Fixed Ğ/ğ not rendering correctly
- Fixed RTL layout not working in the reader screen
- Fixed talk-back not working for reader screen buttons
All Changes
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.5.1 by @renovate in #608
- Update dependency org.kobjects.ktxml:core to v0.3.2 by @renovate in #609
- Update ktor monorepo to v2.3.12 by @renovate in #617
- Update dependency androidx.test:runner to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #621
- Fix a memory leak in AndroidFileManager by @mr3y-the-programmer in #633
- Update dependency gradle to v8.9 by @renovate in #638
- Update dependency io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview-multiplatform to v1.9.20 by @renovate in #636
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #635
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.6.1 by @renovate in #628
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu to v0.25.0 by @renovate in #625
- Update dependency androidx.test:rules to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #623
- Bump Kotlin, KSP and Compose by @msasikanth in #647
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #606
- Update xmlutil to v0.90.1 by @renovate in #613
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.1 by @renovate in #648
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #649
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.2 by @renovate in #653
- Update Coil to v3.0.0-alpha09 by @msasikanth in #658
- Add support for reordering pinned sources by @msasikanth in #665
- Update dependency sh.calvin.reorderable:reorderable to v2.3.0 by @renovate in #675
- Update dependency to v2.0.0-1.0.24 by @renovate in #679
New Contributors
- @mr3y-the-programmer made their first contribution in #633
Full Changelog: v1.46.0...v1.47.1
What's Changed
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.6.0 by @renovate in #615
- Update dependency io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview-multiplatform to v1.9.12 by @renovate in #614
- Update kotlininject to v0.7.1 by @renovate in #612
- Update kermit to v2.0.4 by @renovate in #610
Full Changelog: v1.45.0...v1.46.0
What's Changed
- Use Readability JS for creating reader view content by @msasikanth in #545
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.5.0 by @renovate in #547
- Refactor setup for creating reader view HTML by @msasikanth in #550
- Update dependency io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview-multiplatform to v1.9.8 by @renovate in #553
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.4.1 by @renovate in #555
- Update Kotlin, KSP and Compose Multiplatform by @renovate in #570
- Update dependency org.kobjects.ktxml:core to v0.2.4 by @renovate in #590
- Update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.7.0 by @renovate in #591
- Update dependency gradle to v8.8 - autoclosed by @renovate in #592
- [1.44.1] Post-release merge by @tramline-github in #595
- Update Kotlin, KSP and Compose Multiplatform by @renovate in #594
- Update essenty to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #593
- Update Kotlin, KSP and Compose Multiplatform by @renovate in #599
- Update dependency io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview-multiplatform to v1.9.10 by @renovate in #604
Full Changelog: v1.43.0...v1.45.0
What's Changed
- Use Readability JS for creating reader view content by @msasikanth in #545
- Update dependency com.bugsnag:bugsnag-android to v6.5.0 by @renovate in #547
- Refactor setup for creating reader view HTML by @msasikanth in #550
- Update dependency io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview-multiplatform to v1.9.8 by @renovate in #553
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.4.1 by @renovate in #555
- Update Kotlin, KSP and Compose Multiplatform by @renovate in #570
Full Changelog: v1.43.0...v1.44.1