superwhite Public
Forked from dtinth/superwhitedisplay a very bright white color on HDR-enabled displays
UpdatedJun 19, 2023 -
react-moengage Public archive
React wrapper around the MoEngage Web SDK.
ERC1155-with-EIP2981-for-OpenSea Public
Forked from alxrnz2/ERC1155-with-EIP2981-for-OpenSeaOpenZeppelin ERC1155 contracts incorporating EIP 2981 and OpenSea overrides
little-state-machine Public
Forked from beekai-oss/little-state-machine📠 React custom hook for persist state management
javascript-library-template Public template
Forked from vvo/javascript-library-templateJavaScript library template to focus on ⌨️ coding, 🙌 collaborating and 🚀 shipping
Kap Public
Forked from wulkano/KapAn open-source screen recorder built with web technology
1on1-questions Public
Forked from VGraupera/1on1-questionsMega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
quran_android Public
Forked from quran/quran_androida quran reading application for android
pivotaltracker-clubhouse Public
Forked from dcripplinger/pivotaltracker-clubhouseSimple tool to transfer stories from Pivotal Tracker to Clubhouse
typeorm Public
Forked from typeorm/typeormORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platfo…
TypeScript-Handbook Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScript-HandbookThe TypeScript Handbook is a comprehensive guide to the TypeScript language
tasksfile Public
Forked from pawelgalazka/tasksfileMinimalistic task runner for node.js
react-ssr-setup Public
Forked from manuelbieh/react-ssr-setupReact Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, Flow, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties
elmtimes Public
Forked from umarsheikh13/elmtimesELM Times - Single Page Prayer Times Web App
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
hanami Public
Forked from hanami/hanamiThe web, with simplicity.
SoundJS Public
Forked from CreateJS/SoundJSA Javascript library for working with Audio. It provides a consistent API for loading and playing audio on different browsers and devices. Currently supports WebAudio, HTML5 Audio, Cordova / PhoneG…
superstruct Public
Forked from ianstormtaylor/superstructA simple and composable way to validate data in Javascript.
preact Public
Forked from preactjs/preact⚛️ Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM.
normalizr Public
Forked from paularmstrong/normalizrNormalizes nested JSON according to a schema
haplo-standard-plugins-dev Public
Forked from haplo-org/haplo-standard-plugins-devStandard platform plugin development
AlgorithmVisualizer Public
Forked from algorithm-visualizer/algorithm-visualizerAlgorithm Visualizer
statesman Public
Forked from gocardless/statesmanA statesmanlike state machine library.
rails5-api-guide Public
Forked from nassredean/rails5-api-guideOut of the box Rails 5 API
postgraphql Public
Forked from graphile/crystalA GraphQL schema created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
GitFixUm Public
Forked from sukima/GitFixUmOn undoing, fixing, or removing commits or mistakes in git
realm-java Public
Forked from realm/realm-javaRealm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
dev-summit-architecture-demo Public
Forked from yigit/dev-summit-architecture-demoThe demo application that we've used in the Architecture Talk @ Android Dev Summit 2015
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 2, 2016