def enjoying = "Ruby on Rails"
<hyped-about>Hypermedia, Hotwire</hyped-about>
(def bending-my-mind-with "Clojure")
curiousAbout := []string{"Go", "WebAssembly", "Rust"}
SELECT unnest('{"PostgreSQL", "SQLite", "DuckDB"}'::text[]) AS comfortable_with;
๐ธ spendbetter โ Ruby on Rails & Hotwire application for tracking my own expenses
๐ pi-read-meter โ Go CLI application that ran on Raspberry Pi, automatically took photos of gas meter and uploaded those to Dropbox, so I could easily report the number while living abroad
๐ spinning โ WebAssembly (Rust, etc.) applications built with Spin and deployed to Fermyon Cloud
๐ฐ payment_schedule โ Ruby DSL for describing and maintaining payment schedules (is/was used in production in an actual ๐ฆ)
๐ฆ rack-cargo โ Ruby gem for adding batch requests support to Rack apps (works with Rails, Roda, Sinatra, etc)
๐ฎ something.rb โ Ruby mini-puzzle for fun. Can you solve it?