I'm 21 years old and I study Computer Science at UFU (Federal College of Uberlândia), going to my 4th semester and I love studying technology, how it works, and how it can change the world!
❤️🔥 I’m interested in programming 🖥️ (obviously🤣), doing sports ⚽, watching series 📺, playing guitar and videogames 🎮
👔 I´m currently in the President position at the Junior Enterprise called ASCII - Soluções Em Tecnologia; making mainly WebDevelopment, consulting, and software modeling
🔬 I’m now working on a Science Project called AOM (Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane) where we created a PPI (protein-protein interaction) network using AI and biochemical characteristics of bacteria to identify possible interactions between proteins.
📫 How to reach me
- project UDI-DECOLA: software de vendas de passagens aéreas e hotéis made with
- project Jogo Da Velha made with
- project Jogo De Labirinto made with