A small library that supports with various tasks around Package URLs
Manage OpenWRT and derivatives with Ansible but without Python
Provide an overview of your assigned issues on GitLab and GitLab
Toolset that helps you with creating and interacting with SBOMs, enriching with licensing and copyright information, and checking for Open Source license compliance
Creates CycloneDX Bill of Materials (BOM) for your projects from source and container images. Supports many languages and package managers. Integrate in your CI/CD pipeline with automatic submissio…
Configuration for the GitHub organisation: teams, repositories, permissions
Manage a GitHub organization, its members, teams, repository permissions and more
Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
End-to-end encrypted, FOSS cloud for Photos, 2FA secrets and more!
A small application which needs a better name and collects oss-license metadata and combines it
Manage DNS nameserver records of INWX domains via YAML files and API requests. Lightweight, version-control ready
Landing place for all things related to the Technical Committee of the OpenRail Association
Check remote repositories for typical red flags like CLAs and risks due to low development activity
A tool to identify certain authors in repositories and analyze their commits. Helpful to check if and to which degree an organization's members have contributed to third-party projects.
A GitHub action to check repositories for REUSE compliance
Resources and information about the Railways and Open Transport Devroom at FOSDEM
A curated collection of Free Software, web applications and useful tools for working within DPSG (Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft St. Georg). These resources support group leaders, board members and acti…
A temporary solution to provide a ORT Container.
220+ check plugins for Icinga and other Nagios-compatible monitoring applications. Each plugin is a standalone command line tool (written in Python) that provides a specific type of check.
reuse is a tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations.
A client- and server side script to generate BigBlueButton MP4 recordings.
Ansible role for installing WireGuard VPN. Supports Ubuntu, Debian, Archlinx, Fedora and CentOS.
Module for converting DEP5 style copyright files
Chrome/Firefox browser extension to compare text against spdx license list
A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection.