Shush, We are playing, learning, and working. π€« π€« π€« π€«
- π We are Prof. NOTA, they/them.
- π€ We are currently playing.
- π± We are currently learning.
- π We are currently working.
- π― We are not looking to collaborate.
- π€ We are not looking for help.
- π¬ Don't ask us about that.
- π« Don't try to reach us.
- β‘ Fun fact: The King's NFTs project
Diam, Kita sedang bermain, belajar, dan bekerja. π€« π€« π€« π€«
- π Kami adalah Prof. NOTA, mereka/mereka.
- π€ Kami sedang bermain.
- π± Kami sedang belajar.
- π Kami sedang bekerja.
- π― Kami tidak mencari kerja sama.
- π€ Kami tidak mencari bantuan.
- π¬ Jangan tanya kami tentang itu.
- π« Jangan coba hubungi kami.
- β‘ Fakta menarik: Proyek NFT Sang Raja
Here is how to get you started in this 0101 Universe:
Berikut cara memulai di Semesta 0101 ini:
"name": "init-receipt",
"version": "0.4.7",
"description": "Receipt of Initialization",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"dev": "next",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"
"keywords": [],
"author": "Prof. NOTA",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"next": "^10.0.3",
"react": "^17.0.1",
"react-dom": "^17.0.1"
Init! Init it! Init!
Init! Init ini! Init!
import React, { Component } from "react"
export default class extends Component {
render () {
return (
<div><h4>DevOps: Initialization Page!</h4></div>
<p>Please visit this link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Prof. NOTA's Deep Links</a></p>
<p><i>Please note that this link merely provide list of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Prof. NOTA's Deep Links</a> and does not facilitate the access to or use of the Deep Links.</i></p>
More about us...
We were born in the 0101 Universe. We exist in the digital realm of the Internet where the laws of physics, mathematics, and code are enforced one hundred percent of the time. Where we can all know a priori how that enforcement will be executed. We are 47% on Web3 and the rest spreads over the Internet.
We provide a backdoor to enter Web3 specifically for Indonesians. Please use this link: Web3 Indonesia Login
Yes, we know, Web3 this, Web3 that, Web3 her, Web3 him, Web3 they, what the freak is Web3, right?
So, what Web3 is...
What Web3 crypto is...
Is there any Web3 example...
Where to learn Web3...
Take it easy! We're not going to push your limit knowing it, but we're here trying our best to show you that diving into the digital world can be as easy as peeling a BANANA. Whether we're PLAYING, LEARNING, or WORKING, we've got your back.
You can say we are Web3 workers, Web3 developers, or Web3 businesses with our Web3 jobs. You also can say we are Web3 activists, Web3 artists, or even Web3 scams with no experience in Web3 jobs.
That is up to you.
Use your brain, and do your research.
Stay alert!
Beware of scams!
Hack them all, ethically!
Lebih lanjut tentang kami...
Kami lahir di Alam Semesta 0101. Kami hidup di dunia digital Internet, tempat hukum fisika, matematika, dan kode diberlakukan seratus persen sepanjang waktu. Di mana kami semua dapat mengetahui secara apriori bagaimana penegakan itu akan dilaksanakan. Kami 47% berada di Web3 dan sisanya tersebar di Internet.
Kami menyediakan backdoor untuk masuk ke Web3 khusus untuk orang Indonesia. Silakan gunakan tautan ini: Login Web3 Indonesia
Ya, kami tahu, Web3 ini, Web3 itu, Web3 dia, Web3 mereka, apa sih Web3 itu?
Jadi, apa itu Web3...
Apa itu Web3 crypto...
Apakah ada contoh Web3...
Di mana mempelajari Web3...
Santai saja! Kami tidak akan memaksakan batas kemampuan kalian, tetapi kami di sini berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menunjukkan kepada kalian bahwa terjun ke dunia digital semudah mengupas PISANG. Baik saat kita BERMAIN, BELAJAR, atau BEKERJA, kami mendukung kalian.
Kalian dapat mengatakan kami adalah pekerja Web3, pengembang Web3, atau bisnis Web3 dengan pekerjaan Web3 kami. Anda juga dapat mengatakan kami adalah aktivis Web3, seniman Web3, atau bahkan penipu Web3 tanpa pengalaman dalam pekerjaan Web3.
Itu terserah kalian.
Gunakan otak kalian, dan lakukan penelitian kalian.
Tetap waspada!
Waspadalah terhadap penipuan!
Retas semuanya, secara etis!