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This repository was archived by the owner on May 9, 2023. It is now read-only.


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A free and open source interface to github from the command line. Avoid the usual copy and paste when creating repositories, keep up to date on issues, and much more.

--Everybody loves more tentacles.


Installing using pip.

pip install octogit

Using Octogit

Available commands.

octogit login
# allows you to store your github authentication data

octogit create <reponame> 'description'
# lets you create the repository both locally and on github

octogit issues
# lets you see all the related issues in the current repository

octogit issues <number>
# lets you see a specific issue with summary

octogit issues <number> close
# lets you close an issue


If you would like to contribute simply fork this project and add yourself to the AUTHORS.txt along with some changes hopefully and submit a pull request.