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A simple declarative-first Node.js starter project utilizing TypeScript, Fastify, and OpenAPI for scalable and reliable API development.

Getting Started

To set up and run the service:

  1. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
  2. Build, lint, and test the package:

    yarn all
  3. Run the service:

    yarn watch
  4. Run the service with open-telemetry:

    yarn trace

API Definition with zod-to-openapi

The API schema definitions for this project are located in packages/api/src/schema/**. We use @asteasolutions/zod-to-openapi to define and validate APIs. This approach leverages Zod schemas to not only validate but also generate OpenAPI specifications directly from the schema definitions, streamlining the process and ensuring consistency between validation logic and API documentation. A lightweight wrapper has been added to the registry object, registerApi which makes it clean and simple to register an api.


// Register endpoints by calling registerApi
  tags: ["todos"],
  name: "createTodo",
  description: "Create a new to-do item",
  method: "post",
  path: "/todos",
  request: CreateTodoRequestSchema,
  response: {
    statusCode: 201,
    schema: TodoItemSchema,
  roles: ["write"],

Creating API Schemas

  1. Define your API models and request/response objects using Zod in packages/api/src/schema.
  2. Use @asteasolutions/zod-to-openapi to register the endpoint.
  3. The generated OpenAPI spec can then be used for routing, validation, and client SDK generation.

Project Structure

This repository follows a monorepo setup managed by Yarn Workspaces and Turbo Repo. Below is an overview of the core folders:


  • Contains Docker configurations, specifically for Jaeger, an open-source tool for distributed tracing.


  • All project modules and packages reside here:
    • api: Defines the OpenAPI schema and handles API-related logic, using Fastify as the HTTP server.
    • client-grpc: A generated gRPC client SDK generated by ts-proto.
    • client-sdk: A generated SDK for clients based on the OpenAPI spec, created with tools like orval.
    • service: Contains business logic and integrates with other packages.

Root Scripts

The repository provides several root-level scripts to manage and automate common tasks:

Script Details

  • all: Runs build, format, lint, and test tasks sequentially.
  • preinstall: Ensures Yarn is used instead of npm to prevent potential dependency issues.
  • build: Builds all packages using Turbo Repo.
  • lint: Runs linting on all packages.
  • format: Formats code using Prettier.
  • test: Runs tests across all packages.
  • watch: Watches for changes in the service package.
  • trace: Starts Jaeger and runs tracing on the service package.
  • jaeger:start and jaeger:stop: Controls the Jaeger Docker instance for distributed tracing.
  • for-each: Executes tasks for each workspace sequentially, useful for complex workflows that require running one task at a time.


  • Node.js: Version 22, enabling recent features and optimizations.
  • Yarn: Used for package management and workspace orchestration.
  • Turbo Repo: Speeds up builds and test processes for the monorepo.
  • TypeScript: For static typing and strict validation.
  • Prettier: Code formatting to enforce a consistent style.
  • ESLint: Linting for code quality assurance.
  • Gnostic: Tools to transform OpenAPI specs into Protocol Buffers definitions.
  • protoc: For compiling .proto files into gRPC services.
  • ts-proto: A TypeScript code generator for Protocol Buffers.

This setup offers a highly structured environment for consistent, scalable, and maintainable code. By using Turbo Repo for task orchestration, zod-to-openapi for schema and API definition, and Fastify with fastify-openapi-glue, this project is designed to be efficient and developer-friendly.

Technologies Used

Core Dependencies

OpenAPI and Code Generation

  • @asteasolutions/zod-to-openapi: Converts Zod schemas to OpenAPI definitions.
  • Orval: Generates client SDKs from OpenAPI specs.
  • json-schema-faker: Generates fake data based on JSON Schema definitions.
  • Gnostic & Gnostic-GRPC: Tools to transform OpenAPI specs into Protocol Buffers definitions.
  • Protobuf Compiler (protoc): For compiling .proto files into gRPC services.
  • ts-proto: A TypeScript code generator for Protocol Buffers, used to generate TypeScript types from .proto files. This package allows seamless integration of gRPC types into TypeScript projects.

Observability and Tracing

Development and Testing

Docker Compose

These are used for open-telemetry reporting in development/local environments.

  • Jaeger: Distributed tracing system for microservices.
  • Zipkin: Distributed tracing system compatible with Jaeger.
  • Prometheus: Monitoring system and time-series database.


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