A Kubernetes validating webhook for policy enforcement within the cluster, on every CREATE, APPLY and UPDATE operation on a resource.
# Install and create namespace with Helm
helm repo add datree-webhook https://datreeio.github.io/admission-webhook-datree/
helm repo update
# Already existing `datree` namespace
kubectl create ns datree
helm install -n datree datree-webhook datree-webhook/datree-admission-webhook --set datree.token=<DATREE_TOKEN>
Helm v3.0.0+
Datree admission webhook can be configured via the helm values file under datree
token: <DATREE_TOKEN> # The token used to link the CLI to your dashboard.
policy: "" # The name of the policy to check, e.g: staging. (string, optional)
verbose: "" # Display 'How to Fix' link for failed rules in output. (boolean ,optional)
output: "" # The format output of the policy check results: yaml, json, xml, simple, JUnit. (string ,optional)
noRecord: "" # Don’t send policy checks metadata to the backend. (boolean ,optional)
enforce: "" # Block resources that fail the policy check. (boolean ,optional)
clusterName: "" # The name of the cluster link for cluster name in your dashboard. (string ,optional)
For further information about Datree flags see CLI arguments.
Parameter | Description | Default |
namespace | The name of the namespace all resources will be created in. | datree |
replicaCount | The number of Datree webhook-server replicas to deploy for the webhook. | 2 |
customLabels | Additional labels for Datree webhook-server pods. | {} |
customAnnotations | Additional annotations to add to all resources. | {} |
rbac.serviceAccount.create | Create a ServiceAccount | true |
rbac.serviceAccount.name | The ServiceAccount name | webhook-server-datree |
rbac.clusterRole.create | Create a ClusterRole | true |
rbac.clusterRole.name | The ClusterRole name | webhook-server-datree |
image.repository | Image repository. | datree/admission-webhook |
image.tag | The image release tag to use. | Defaults to Chart appVersion |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | Always |
securityContext | Security context applied on the container. | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true, "runAsNonRoot":true, "runAsUser":25000} |
resources | The resource request/limits for the container image. | limits :cpu: 1000m, memory: 512Mi requests: cpu:100m, memory:256Mi |
datree.token | The token used to link the CLI to your dashboard. (required) | nil |
datree.clusterName | The name of the cluster link for cluster name in your dashboard | cluster uuid |
datree.policy | The name of the policy to check, e.g: staging. (optional) | "" (i.e "default") |
datree.verbose | Display 'How to Fix' link for failed rules in output. (optional) | false |
datree.output | The format output of the policy check results: yaml, json, xml, simple, JUnit. (optional) | "" (i.e beautiful😊) |
datree.noRecord | Don’t send policy checks metadata to the backend. (optional) | false |
datree.enforce | Block resources that fail the policy check. (optional) | false |
hooks.waitForServerRollout.sleepyTime | The waiting time before the webhook-server is ready to receive requests. | nil |
hooks.waitForServerRollout.image | An image for running sleep command | {"repository": "alpine", "sha":"sha256:1304f174557314a7ed9eddb4eab12fed12cb0cd9809e4c28f29af86979a3c870", "pullPolicy":"Always"} |
hooks.labelNamespace.image. | An image for running kubectl label command | {"repository": "bitnami/kubectl", "sha":"sha256:d3c17f1dc6e665dcc78e8c14a83ae630bc3d65b07ea11c5f1a012c2c6786d039", "pullPolicy":"Always"} |
hooks.timeoutTime | Automatic Clean-up for Finished Jobs | 1 |