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Walrus Go SDK

The walrus-go SDK provides a Go client for interacting with the Walrus HTTP API. Walrus is a decentralized storage system built on the Sui blockchain, allowing you to store and retrieve blobs efficiently.

Table of Contents


  • Store data and files on the Walrus Publisher.
  • Retrieve data and files from the Walrus Aggregator.
  • Supports specifying storage epochs.
  • Supports end-to-end encryption using AES-GCM and AES-CBC.
  • Handles response parsing and error handling.


To install the walrus-go SDK, use go get:

go get

Replace with the actual import path of your module.

Getting Started

Below is a guide to help you start using the walrus-go SDK in your Go projects.

Initializing the Client

First, import the walrus package and create a new client instance:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create client with default testnet endpoints
    client := walrus.NewClient()

    // Or customize with specific options
    client := walrus.NewClient(

    // Your code here

By default, the client uses testnet endpoints. You can customize the client using the following options:

  • WithAggregatorURLs(urls []string): Set custom aggregator URLs
  • WithPublisherURLs(urls []string): Set custom publisher URLs
  • WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client): Set a custom HTTP client

Storing Data

You can store data on the Walrus Publisher using the Store method:

// Store data
data := []byte("some string")
resp, err := client.Store(data, &walrus.StoreOptions{Epochs: 1})

if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error storing data: %v", err)

// Check response type and handle accordingly
if resp.NewlyCreated != nil {
    blobID := resp.NewlyCreated.BlobObject.BlobID
    fmt.Printf("Stored new blob ID: %s with cost: %d\n",
        blobID, resp.NewlyCreated.Cost)
} else if resp.AlreadyCertified != nil {
    blobID := resp.AlreadyCertified.BlobID
    fmt.Printf("Blob already exists with ID: %s, end epoch: %d\n",
        blobID, resp.AlreadyCertified.EndEpoch)

Retrieving Data

Retrieve the stored data using the Read method:

// Read data
retrievedData, err := client.Read(blobID, nil)

if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error reading data: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Retrieved data: %s\n", string(retrievedData))

Storing and Retrieving Files

Store a file on the Walrus Publisher:

fileBlobID, err := client.StoreFile("path/to/your/file.txt", &walrus.StoreOptions{Epochs: 5})
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error storing file: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Stored file blob ID: %s\n", fileBlobID)

Retrieve the file and save it locally:

err = client.ReadToFile(fileBlobID, "path/to/save/file.txt")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error reading file: %v", err)
fmt.Println("File retrieved successfully")


Retrieves a blob and returns an io.ReadCloser for streaming the content.

func (c *Client) ReadToReader(blobID string) (io.ReadCloser, error)


  • blobID string: The blob ID to retrieve.


  • io.ReadCloser: A reader containing the blob content. Remember to close it after use.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


reader, err := client.ReadToReader("your-blob-id")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error getting reader: %v", err)
defer reader.Close()

// Use the reader as needed
_, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, reader)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error reading content: %v", err)

API Reference


The Client struct is used to interact with the Walrus API.


  • AggregatorURL []string: The base URLs of the Walrus Aggregators
  • PublisherURL []string: The base URLs of the Walrus Publishers
  • httpClient *http.Client: The HTTP client used for requests


Creates a new Client instance with optional configuration.

func NewClient(opts ...ClientOption) *Client


  • opts ...ClientOption: Optional configuration functions

Available Options:

  • WithAggregatorURLs(urls []string): Set custom aggregator URLs
  • WithPublisherURLs(urls []string): Set custom publisher URLs
  • WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client): Set a custom HTTP client


// Use default testnet endpoints
client := walrus.NewClient()

// Customize specific options
client := walrus.NewClient(
    // optional: walrus.WithAggregatorURLs([]string{""}),
    // optional: walrus.WithPublisherURLs([]string{""}),


Options for storing data.


  • Epochs int: Number of storage epochs. Determines how long the data is stored.
  • Encryption *EncryptionOptions: Optional encryption configuration. If provided, data will be encrypted before storage.


Options for reading data.


  • Encryption *EncryptionOptions: Optional decryption configuration. Must be provided with the same key used for encryption to successfully decrypt the data.



Stores data on the Walrus Publisher and returns detailed response information.

func (c *Client) Store(data []byte, opts *StoreOptions) (*StoreResponse, error)


  • data []byte: The data to store.
  • opts *StoreOptions: Storage options, including:
    • Number of epochs
    • Encryption configuration (optional)


  • *StoreResponse: The complete response containing either NewlyCreated or AlreadyCertified information.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Stores data from an io.Reader on the Walrus Publisher.

func (c *Client) StoreFromReader(reader io.Reader, contentLength int64, opts *StoreOptions) (*StoreResponse, error)


  • reader io.Reader: The source to read data from.
  • contentLength int64: The total size of the data to be stored. Use -1 if unknown.
  • opts *StoreOptions: Storage options, such as the number of epochs.


  • *StoreResponse: The complete response containing either NewlyCreated or AlreadyCertified information.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Downloads and stores content from a URL on the Walrus Publisher.

func (c *Client) StoreFromURL(sourceURL string, opts *StoreOptions) (*StoreResponse, error)


  • sourceURL string: The URL to download content from.
  • opts *StoreOptions: Storage options, such as the number of epochs.


  • *StoreResponse: The complete response containing either NewlyCreated or AlreadyCertified information.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Stores a file on the Walrus Publisher.

func (c *Client) StoreFile(filePath string, opts *StoreOptions) (*StoreResponse, error)


  • filePath string: Path to the file to store.
  • opts *StoreOptions: Storage options.


  • *StoreResponse: The complete response containing either NewlyCreated or AlreadyCertified information.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Retrieves blob metadata from the Walrus Aggregator without downloading the content.

func (c *Client) Head(blobID string) (*BlobMetadata, error)


  • blobID string: The blob ID to get metadata for.


  • *BlobMetadata: Contains metadata information including:
    • ContentLength: Size of the blob in bytes
    • ContentType: MIME type of the content
    • LastModified: Last modification timestamp
    • ETag: Entity tag for cache validation
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


metadata, err := client.Head("your-blob-id")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error getting metadata: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Blob size: %d bytes\n", metadata.ContentLength)
fmt.Printf("Content type: %s\n", metadata.ContentType)
fmt.Printf("Last modified: %s\n", metadata.LastModified)


Retrieves data from the Walrus Aggregator.

func (c *Client) Read(blobID string, opts *ReadOptions) ([]byte, error)


  • blobID string: The blob ID of the data to retrieve.
  • opts *ReadOptions: Read options, including:
    • Decryption configuration (optional, must match encryption key if data was encrypted)


  • []byte: The retrieved data (decrypted if encryption options were provided).
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Retrieves data and saves it to a file.

func (c *Client) ReadToFile(blobID, filePath string, opts *ReadOptions) error


  • blobID string: The blob ID of the data to retrieve.
  • filePath string: Path to save the retrieved file.
  • opts *ReadOptions: Read options, including:
    • Decryption configuration (optional, must match encryption key if data was encrypted)


  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Retrieves the API specification from the aggregator or publisher.

func (c *Client) GetAPISpec(isAggregator bool) ([]byte, error)


  • isAggregator bool: Set to true to get the aggregator's API spec; false for the publisher.


  • []byte: The API specification data.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


Retrieves a blob and returns an io.ReadCloser for streaming the content.

func (c *Client) ReadToReader(blobID string, options *ReadOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)


  • blobID string: The blob ID to retrieve.
  • options *ReadOptions: Read options, including:
    • Decryption configuration (optional, must match encryption key if data was encrypted)


  • io.ReadCloser: A reader containing the blob content. Remember to close it after use.
  • error: Error if the operation fails.


reader, err := client.ReadToReader("your-blob-id")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error getting reader: %v", err)
defer reader.Close()

// Use the reader as needed
_, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, reader)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error reading content: %v", err)


The SDK supports end-to-end encryption using AES in two modes: GCM (recommended) and CBC.

Storing Encrypted Data

// Generate a random key for encryption
key := make([]byte, 32) // AES-256 key

// Using GCM mode (recommended, provides authentication)
resp, err := client.Store(data, &walrus.StoreOptions{
    Epochs: 1,
    Encryption: &walrus.EncryptionOptions{
        Key:   key,
        Suite: encryption.AES256GCM, // Default if not specified

// Or using CBC mode (requires IV)
iv := make([]byte, 16)
resp, err := client.Store(data, &walrus.StoreOptions{
    Epochs: 1,
    Encryption: &walrus.EncryptionOptions{
        Key:   key,
        Suite: encryption.AES256CBC,
        IV:    iv,

Retrieving Encrypted Data

// Using GCM mode
retrievedData, err := client.Read(blobID, &walrus.ReadOptions{
    Encryption: &walrus.EncryptionOptions{
        Key:   key,
        Suite: encryption.AES256GCM,

// Using CBC mode (must provide the same IV used for encryption)
retrievedData, err := client.Read(blobID, &walrus.ReadOptions{
    Encryption: &walrus.EncryptionOptions{
        Key:   key,
        Suite: encryption.AES256CBC,
        IV:    iv,

Encryption Modes

  1. GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) - Recommended

    • Provides both confidentiality and authenticity
    • Automatically handles IV/nonce generation
    • No padding required
  2. CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)

    • Traditional block cipher mode
    • Requires explicit IV
    • Uses PKCS7 padding

Security Note: For CBC mode, never reuse the same key and IV combination. Always generate a new random IV for each encryption operation.


type EncryptionOptions struct {
    // The encryption/decryption key
    // Should be 16, 24, or 32 bytes for AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256
    Key []byte

    // The encryption suite to use: encryption.AES256GCM (default) or encryption.AES256CBC
    Suite encryption.CipherSuite

    // Initialization Vector, required for CBC mode
    // Must be 16 bytes
    IV []byte


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature).
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions or support, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.