A repository with all formulas related to install HHVM, based on Building and installing HHVM on OSX 10.8 by Daniel Sloof
- Mountain Lion
- Mavericks
- Homebrew
- homebrew/dupes
Tap additional repositories:
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
And now tap this repository:
brew tap mcuadros/homebrew-hhvm
Install the last stable version (3.0.0)
brew install hhvm
or the current master
brew install hhvm --HEAD
HHVM requires MySQL to compile, by default will use mysql
formula, but
you can use --with-mariadb
or --with-percona-server
to compile with other
mysql alternatives. You can use --with-system-mysql
if mysql is already installed.
If you have XQuartz (X11) installed, you have to temporarily remove a symbolic link at '/usr/X11R6' in order to successfully install HHVM.
You can use the following command:
sudo rm /usr/X11R6
It's the root-owned file so your login password will be asked.
After the install, you could return it with the command:
sudo ln -s /opt/X11 /usr/X11R6
For full reference, please see the issue #28.