dotswitch inc.
- Kyoto, Japan
- http://blog.netswitch.jp/
- @nanki
retrospectiva Public
Forked from dim/retrospectivaOpen source, web-based agile project management, featuring: Goal planner, Story management, Issue-tracker, Code review, SCM Integration, Wiki & Blog. It is intended to assist the collaborative aspe…
acts_like_git Public
Forked from parfait/acts_like_gitA Rails plugin that uses git to version ActiveRecord fields, like acts_as_versioned, but a git.
daofusion Public
Forked from SmartOnCloud/daofusionDAO Fusion is a lightweight yet comprehensive and extensible Java based Data Access Object (DAO) pattern implementation built on top of Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate.
livestat Public
A command line tool to display real-time statistics of the streaming data.
2 UpdatedDec 23, 2010 -
WebSDL Public
Leverage your Ruby/SDL projects with HTML5 technology(WebSocket / Canvas).
llvmruby Public
Forked from macournoyer/llvmrubyLLVM bindings for Ruby
rubyosa Public
Forked from pbosetti/rubyosaFork of http://rubyosa.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk (trying to make it compatible with Snow Leopard)
purl Public
purl: Image manipulation language in URL working as a Rails Plugin.
jpmobile Public
Forked from darashi/jpmobileA Rails plugin for Japanese mobile-phones
cappuccino Public
Forked from cappuccino/cappuccino -