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An image cropper for Ant Design Upload

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pnpm add antd-img-crop
# or
yarn add antd-img-crop
# or
npm i antd-img-crop


import { Upload } from 'antd';
import ImgCrop from 'antd-img-crop';

const Demo = () => (
    <Upload>+ Add image</Upload>

Edit antd-img-crop


Prop Type Default Description
quality number 0.4 Cropped image quality, 0 to 1
fillColor string 'white' Fill color for cropped image
zoomSlider boolean true Enable zoom
rotationSlider boolean false Enable rotation
aspectSlider boolean false Enable aspect
showReset boolean false Show reset button to reset zoom & rotation & aspect
resetText string Reset Reset button text
aspect number 1 / 1 Aspect of crop area , width / height
minZoom number 1 Minimum zoom
maxZoom number 3 Maximum zoom
minAspect number 0.5 Minimum aspect
maxAspect number 2 Maximum aspect
cropShape string 'rect' Shape of crop area, 'rect' or 'round'
showGrid boolean false Show grid of crop area (third-lines)
cropperProps object - react-easy-crop props (* existing props cannot be overridden)
modalClassName string '' Modal classname
modalTitle string 'Edit image' Modal title
modalWidth number string Modal width
modalOk string Ok button text
modalCancel string Cancel button text
onModalOk function - Callback of click ok button
onModalCancel function - Callback of click cancel button (or modal mask & top right "x")
modalProps object Ant Design Modal props (* existing props cannot be overridden)
beforeCrop function - Callback before crop modal, if return false or reject(), modal will not open


ConfigProvider not work?

Try to set libraryDirectory('es' or 'lib') to babel-plugin-import config, see which one will work.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    ['import', { libraryName: 'antd', libraryDirectory: 'es', style: true }],

No style? (only antd<=v4)

If you use antd<=v4 + babel-plugin-import, and no Modal or Slider were imported, please import these styles manually:

import 'antd/es/modal/style';
import 'antd/es/slider/style';


MIT License (c) nanxiaobei