This is the source for my personal homepage/business card website at
It uses Amicus, my project template for the Middleman static site generator.
Amicus features HTML5 Boilerplate, Haml, Sass, Compass, Susy grid system, and lots of best practices.
The project features a flexible responsive grid based on the Susy "Magic" grid system. Try resizing your browser or viewing the page on various mobile devices.
Start by installing Bundler, if you don't already have it:
Then do a bundle install
to install the required gems -- even Middleman itself! On some systems (particularly Linux), you may need to install Node.js through your package manager.
Use middleman
to do your live development and middleman build
to render your static file output to the /build/
For full Middleman documentation, visit the Middleman website.
Major components:
- HTML5 Boilerplate: MIT license
- Normalize.css: MIT license
- Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- Susy: MIT license
- FC SVG Webicons: Creative Commons Attribution -
Everything else:
- MIT license -- see