The client for Pusher Chatkit. If you aren't already here, you can find the source on Github.
For more information on the Chatkit service, see here. For full documentation, see here
The SDK is written in Kotlin, but aimed to be as Java-friendly as possible.
- Features
- Setup
- Usage
- CurrentUser
- Rooms
- Subscriptions
- Users
- Messages
- Attachment
- Typing indicators
- User presence
- Cursors
- Logger
- Development Build
- Creating, joining, and deleting rooms
- Adding and removing users to rooms
- Sending and receiving messages to and from rooms, with attachments
- Seeing who's currently in a room
- Seeing who's currently online
You can install the SDK via Gradle. First add this to your $PROJECT_ROOT/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'com.pusher:chatkit-android:$chatkit-version'
To get started with Chatkit you will need to instantiate both a ChatManager
instance as well as a TokenProvider
instance to authenticate users. The example below uses demo credentials.
Builder pattern
TokenProvider - testTokenProvider
We provide you with a sample token provider implementation. You can enable / disable it in the dashboard. To include it in your application, create it with your details, as such:
const val INSTANCE_LOCATOR = "v1:us1:80215247-1df3-4956-8ba8-9744ffd12161"
const val TOKEN_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT = "your.auth.url"
const val USER_ID = "sarah"
val chatManager = ChatManager(
instanceLocator = INSTANCE_LOCATOR,
userId = USER_ID,
dependencies = AndroidChatkitDependencies(
context = getApplicationContext(),
tokenProvider = ChatkitTokenProvider(TOKEN_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT, USER_ID)
This is how we do it on our demo app: ChatkitDemoApp
: You can find this in the "Keys" section of our dashboard: -
: Used to identify the user that will be connected with thisChatManager
instance. -
: Contains some requirements needed forChatManager
. We provide a ready made type forChatkitDependencies
for android, so all you have to do is provide aContext
and aTokenProvider
We also have available an implementation for tokenProvider
which just needs the url to authorize users. If you have enabled the test token provider on the Settings
section of our dashboard, you can get a test url for this purpose in there. For production applications you have to create your own server side. More information about this can be found here:
Although we provide a version of the TokenProvider
that works with a url to a remove token provider (ChatkitTokenProvider
), it is possible to create a custom one. These are the functions required by the TokenProvider
Function | Params | Return | Description |
fetchToken | tokenParams (Any, Object`) |
Future<Result<String, Error>> | Provides a string with the token or an error if failed (it can be cached) |
clearToken | String | Unit , void |
Called when chatkit requires a fresh token |
The implementation of ChatkitTokenProvider
has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
endpoint | String | Url for the server that provides access tokens |
userId | String | Name of the user login in |
authData | Map<String, String> (Optional) | CustomData sent to the server |
client | OkHttpClient (Optional) | Used for networking (i.e. can modify to use proxy) |
tokenCache | TokenCache (Optional) | By default we use an in memory but can provide a custom TokenCache |
The simplest way to connect returns a Future
which will provide either a CurrentUser
or an Error
val futureUser: Future<Result<CurrentUser, Error>> = chatManager.connect()
You can observe the result from your favourite threading tool. We also provide a convenience extension that makes it more semantic to wait for the results of the future:
val userResult = futureUser.wait() // waits 10 seconds by default
val userResult = futureUser.wait(For(30, SECONDS))
Note: both
will block the current thread so make sure that you are on a background thread.
To consume the result we can do this:
chatManager.connect().wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<CurrentUser, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("User received: ${})")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops: ${result.error})")
Alternatively, we have included a fold
method too:
onSuccess = { user -> toast("User received: ${})") },
onFailure = { error -> toast("Oops: ${result.error})") }
If you are using coroutines this can be wrapped into a suspending method like this:
suspend fun ChatManager.connectForUser(): Result<CurrentUser, Error> =
suspendCoroutine{ c -> c.resume(connect().wait()) }
// or, if want to treat error as an exception:
suspend fun ChatManager.connectForUser(): CurrentUser = suspendCoroutine { c ->
connect().wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<CurrentUser, Error>
is Result.Success -> c.resume(result.value)
is Result.Failure -> c.resumeWithException(RuntimeException(result.error.reason))
If you use RxJava
you can wrap this inside a Single:
fun ChatManager.connectForUser(): Single<CurrentUser> = Single.create { emitter ->
connect().wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<CurrentUser, Error>
is Result.Success -> emitter.onSuccess(result.value)
is Result.Failure -> emitter.onError(RuntimeException(result.error.reason))
We've been referring to Result
without any explanation. It is nothing more than a rename of the functional pattern called Either
. A Result
can either have a success or a failure. If you want to learn more about this we go into details here
When connecting to ChatManager
we can also register for global events.
If you only care about a number of events you can provide a ChatManagerListeners
implementation with the events you want:
val user = chatManager.connect(ChatManagerListeners(
onUserCameOnline = { user -> toast("${} came online") },
onUserWentOffline = { user -> toast("${} went ofline") }
Alternatively you can listen to all events with a single listener:
val user = chatManager.connect { event ->
when(event) {
is UserCameOnline -> toast("${} came online")
is UserWentOffline -> toast("${} went ofline")
The available events are:
Event | Properties | Description |
CurrentUserReceived | CurrentUser | Happens when the logged user is available or updated |
UserStartedTyping | User, Room | User has started typing |
UserStoppedTyping | User, Room | User has stopped typing |
UserJoinedRoom | User, Room | User has joined the provided room |
UserLeftRoom | User, Room | User has left the provided room |
UserCameOnline | User | User is now online |
UsersUpdated | Nothing | User is now offline |
CurrentUserAddedToRoom | Room | Current user was added to a room |
CurrentUserRemovedFromRoom | Int (room id) | Current user was removed from a room with the given id |
RoomUpdated | Room | Happens when the logged user is available or updated |
RoomDeleted | Int (room id) | Happens when the logged user is available or updated |
NewReadCursor | Int (room id) | Happens when a new cursor is set for CurrentUser |
ErrorOccurred | (Pusher)Error | An error occurred, it does not mean the subscription has finished |
Each of the events have a relevant listener that can be set on ChatManagerListeners
When you are done using the ChatkitManager
you can call the close
function which will try to terminate any pending requests and/or subscriptions.
When an initial connection is successfully made to Chatkit the client will receive a CurrentUser
object. The CurrentUser
object is the primary means of interacting with Chatkit.
Property | Type | Description |
rooms | List | The rooms that the connected user is a member of. |
users | Future<Result<List, Error> | The users that share a common room membership with the connected user. |
The users
property is a Future
because it may not have all the required information for all the users so it must go get it, which in turn may fail.
There are a few important things to remember about Chatkit rooms; they are either public or private, users that are members of a room can change over time, all chat messages belong to a room.
Property | Type | Description |
id | Int | The global identifier for the room on the instance. |
createdById | Int | The id of the user that created this room |
name | String | The human readable name of the room (this needn’t be unique!) |
memberUserIds | Set | A set of ids for everyone on the room |
isPrivate | Boolean | If true the room is private, otherwise the room is public. |
All that you need to provide when creating a room is a name. The user that creates the room will automatically be added as a member of the room.
The following code will create a public room called "my room name"
. Note that a room name must be no longer than 60 characters.
val newRoom: Future<Result<Room, Error>> = currentUser.createRoom("my room name")
Same as before, the result can be consumed (inside a background thread) like:
currentUser.createRoom("my room name").wait().fold(
onSuccess = { room -> toast("Hurra! room created: ${})") },
onFailure = { error -> toast("Oops: ${result.error})") }
If you want to make a private room ir can be done:
name = "my room name",
private = true
Also, you may choose to provide an initial number of users to be part of that room (i.e. one-to-one conversations), in which case you can also provide it with a list of users:
name = "my room name",
userIds = listOf("sarah", "pusherino")
You can fetch up to the last 100 messages added to a room when you subscribe (Using messageLimit
) but sometimes you’ll want to fetch older messages. For example, suppose you subscribe to a room and the oldest message you see has the ID 42. To see older messages, you can provide the initialId option to the fetchMessages method.
room = someRoom,
initialId = 42, // Optional
direction = NEWER_FIRST, // Optional, OLDER_FIRST by default
limit = 20 // Optional, 10 by default
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<List<Message>, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("Messages ${result.value} received.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
Instead of a room instance it is also possible to fetch messages using the room id.
currentUser.fetchMessages(roomId = 123)
The full set of options follows:
Property | Type | Description |
initialId | Int (Optional) | A message ID that defaults to the most recent message ID. |
direction | Direction (Optional) | Defaults to OLDER_FIRST , dictates the direction of the messages being returned. |
limit | Int (Optional) | Limits the number of messages that we get back, defaults to 10. |
The current user can add users to rooms that they themselves are a member of.
userIds = listOf("keith"),
room = someRoom
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Unit, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("Successfully added users.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
The current user can remove users from rooms that they themselves are a member of.
userIds = listOf("keith"),
room = someRoom
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Unit, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("Successfully removed users.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
To fetch a list of the rooms that a user is able to join (but isn’t yet a member of):
currentUser.getJoinableRooms().wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<List<Room>, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("The user can join ${result.value}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
The rooms returned will be a list of the public rooms which the currentUser
is not a member of.
Join a room with ID someRoomId
roomId = someRoomId
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Room, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("CurrentUser joined room: ${}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
Leave a room with ID someRoomId
roomId = someRoomId
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Int, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("CurrentUser left room: ${}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
Change the name and or privacy of a room with Id someRoomId
roomId = someRoomId,
name = "Some updated name",
private = false // Optional
).let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Unit, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("Updated room.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
All other connected members of the room will receive an event that informs them that the room has been updated. Note that the current user must have the room:update
permission to use this method.
Note: This only returns whether the action is successful. To get the new room we have to handle the event that we get or fetch a new room.
Delete a room with ID someRoomId
roomId = someRoomId
).let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Unit, Error>
is Result.Success -> toast("Updated room.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
All other connected members of the room will receive an event that informs them that the room has been deleted. Any attempts to interact with a deleted room will result in an error. Note that the current user must have the room:delete
permission to use this method.
Note: Deleting a room will delete all the associated messages too.
To be notified when new messages are added to a room, you’ll need to subscribe to it and provide a RoomSubscriptionListeners
instance or a lambda to listen for RoomSubscriptionEvent
. (Too see the full list of possible hooks see Room Subscription Hooks). At most 100 recent messages can be retrieved on subscription, to fetch older messages see Fetching Messages From a Room. To receive only new messages, set the messageLimit
to 0.
Using RoomSubscriptionListeners
roomId = someroomId,
listeners = Roomsubscription(
onNewMessage = { message -> toast("${message.userId} says: ${message.text}") },
onErrorOccurred = { error -> toast("Oops something bad happened: $error") }
messageLimit = 10 // Optional, 10 by default
Using RoomSubscriptionEvent
roomId = someroomId,
messageLimit = 10 // Optional, 10 by default
) { event ->
when(event) {
is NewMessage -> toast("${event.message.userId} says: ${event.message.text}")
is ErrorOccurred -> toast("Oops something bad happened: ${event.error}")
Note: Subscribing implicitly joins a room if you aren’t already a member. Subscribing to the same room twice will cause the existing subscription to be cancelled and replaced by the new one.
By default when you subscribe to a room you will receive up to the 10 most recent messages that have been added to the room. The number of recent messages to fetch can be configured by setting the messageLimit
parameter. These recent messages will be passed to the
onNewMessagecallback (or as
NewMessage` event) in the order they were sent, just as if they were being sent for the first time.
This is the full list of available events from a room subscription:
Event | Properties | Description |
NewMessage | Message | A new message has been added to the room. |
UserStartedTyping | User | User has started typing |
UserStoppedTyping | User | User has stopped typing |
UserJoined | Int (userId) | User has joined the room |
UserLeft | Int (userId) | User has left the room |
UserCameOnline | User | User is now online |
UserWentOffline | User | User is now offline |
NewReadCursor | Cursor | A member of the room set a new read cursor. |
Each of the events have a relevant listener that can be set on RoomSubscriptionListeners
The subscribeToRoom
function returns a Subscription
that can be cancelled by calling subscription.unsubscribe()
when the subscription is no longer needed.
Alternatively, it is possible to close all active subscriptions by calling chatManager.cancel()
, which will close all these subscriptions.
User objects can be found in various places: globally under currentUser.users
or returned as the argument to some callbacks.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier for the user on the instance. |
name | String | The human readable name of the user. This is not required to be unique. |
avatarUrl | String | The location (url) of an avatar for the user. |
presence | Presence | An object containing information regarding the users presence state. See user presence. |
Rooms contain a list of user ids, to resolve these you can use this:
Every message belongs to a Room and has an associated sender, which is represented by a User object. Files can be sent along with a messages by specifying an Attachment property.
Property | Type | Description |
id | Int | The Id assigned to the message by the Chatkit servers. |
text | String | The text content of the message if present. |
attachment | Attachment | The message’s attachment if present. |
sender | User | The user who sent the message. |
room | Room | The room to which the message belongs. |
createdAt | String | The timestamp at which the message was created. |
updatedAt | String | The timestamp at which the message was last updated. |
To send a message:
room = someRoom, // also available as roomId: Int
messageTest = "Hi there! 👋",
attachment = NoAttachment // Optional, NoAttachment by default
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Int, Error>, either the new message id or an error
is Result.Success -> toast("CurrentUser left room: ${}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
An attachment can be added when you send a message. This can be done in one of two ways:
- Provide some data (of type [File], most likely) along with a name for the data that will be used as the name of the file that is stored by the Chatkit servers.
This is how you send a message with an attachment of this kind:
room = someRoom,
messageTest = "Hi there! 👋",
attachment = DataAttachment(
file = File("file/path.jpg"),
name = "file-name" // optional, "file" by default
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Int, Error>, either the new message id or an error
is Result.Success -> toast("CurrentUser left room: ${}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
Note that the resulting type will be inferred automatically by Chatkit servers. If the type of the file is unable to be determined then it will be given a type of file
- Provide a link along with a type that describes the attachment. As above, this would be one of
, orfile
This is how you send a message with an attachment of this kind:
room = someRoom,
messageTest = "Hi there! 👋",
attachment = LinkAttachment(
link = File("file/path.jpg"),
type = AttachmentType.IMAGE
).wait().let { result ->
when(result) { // Result<Int, Error>, either the new message id or an error
is Result.Success -> toast("CurrentUser left room: ${}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
It is possible for users to attach files to messages. If a message has an attachment you will most likely have to fetch it before you can use it. This will give you the actual URL of the resource.
Property | Type | Description |
link | String | The link representing the location of the attachment. |
type | AttachmentType | The type of the attachment; one of image, video, audio, or file. |
fetchRequired | Boolean | If the attachment link needs to be fetched from the Chatkit servers; see Fetch an Attachment. |
If a message contains an attachment with the fetchRequired
property set to true
, then
cannot be used directly. We must first fetch the URL of the attachment itself using fetchAttachment
attachmentUrl =
).wait().let { result -> // Future<Result<FetchedAttachment, Error>>
when(result) { // Result<Int, Error>, either the new message id or an error
is Result.Success -> toast("Loaded attachment: ${}.")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
Sometimes it’s useful to be able to see if another user is typing. You can use Chatkit to let all the connected members of a room know when another user is typing.
To send typing indicator events call isTypingIn
with the id of the room the current user is typing in.
roomId =
).wait().let { result -> // Future<Result<Unit, Error>>
when(result) { // Result<Int, Error>, either the new message id or an error
is Result.Success -> toast("Success!")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
To be notified when a user starts or stops typing in a room, provide a onUserStartedTyping
and a onUserStoppedTyping
function as part of the room subscription listener.
onUserStartedTyping = { user, room -> toast("User ${} started typing") },
onUserStoppedTyping = { user, room -> toast("User ${} stopped typing") }
Alternatively, if you are using an event callback:
{ event ->
when(event) {
is UserStartedTyping -> toast("User ${} started typing in room ${}")
is UserStoppedTyping -> toast("User ${} stopped typing in room ${}")
If a user has at least one active connection to the Chatkit service then they are considered online. When a user has no active connections they are considered offline. Each user object keeps track of whether a user is online or offline via the presence property.
if(user.presence is User.Presence.Online) {
// The user is online! Show an online badge or something...
Additionally, to be notified when a user comes online or goes offline, you can provide the onUserCameOnline
and onUserWentOffline
listeners or match the UserCameOnline
and UserWentOffline
events. Either at the room level – fires whenever a member of that room goes on or off line, or at the connection level – fires whenever any users sharing a common room membership go on or offline.
chatManager.connect { event ->
when(event) {
is UserCameOnline -> toast("User ${} came online.")
is UserWentOffline -> toast("User ${} went offline.")
Read cursors track how far a user has read through the messages in a room. Each read cursor belongs to a user and a room – represented by a Cursor
Property | Type | Description |
position | String | The message ID that the user has read up to. |
updatedAt | String | The timestamp when the cursor was last set. |
room | Int (room id) | The room that the cursor refers to. |
user | String (user id) | The user that the cursor belongs to. |
type | Int | The type of the cursor object, currently always 0 (representing a read cursor). |
When you are confident that the current user has “read” a message, call setReadCursor
with a roomId
and a position
(the id of the newest message that has been “read”).
roomId = someRoomId,
position = someMessageId
).wait().let { result -> // Future<Result<Int, Error>>
when(result) {
is Result.Success -> toast("Cursor set!")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
The current user’s read cursors are available immediately upon connecting. Access any existing cursors with the readCursor
function. (A cursor that hasn’t been set yet is undefined.)
roomId: someRoomId
Note: To be notified when any of the current user’s read cursors are changed, supply an onNewReadCursor
listener on connection or match for NewReadCursor
After subscribing to a room, read cursors for members of that room can be accessed by supplying a userId
as the second parameter to the readCursor
roomId: someRoomId,
userId: "alice"
).wait().let { result -> // Future<Result<Cursor, Error>>
when(result) {
is Result.Success -> toast("Cursor: ${result.cursor}!")
is Result.Failure -> toast("Oops, something bad happened: ${result.error}")
To be notified when any member of the room changes their read cursor, supply an onNewReadCursor
listener when subscribing to the room or match the NewReadCursor
As part of ChatManager
dependencies a custom logger can be provided:
val chatManager = ChatManager(
instanceLocator = INSTANCE_LOCATOR,
userId = USER_ID,
dependencies = AndroidChatkitDependencies(
context = getApplicationContext(),
tokenProvider = ChatkitTokenProvider(TOKEN_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT),
logger = object : Logger {
fun verbose(message: String, error: Error? = null) = println("V: $message")
fun debug(message: String, error: Error? = null) = println("D: $message")
fun info(message: String, error: Error? = null) = println("I: $message")
fun warn(message: String, error: Error? = null) = println("W: $message")
fun error(message: String, error: Error? = null) = println("E: $message")
When building this project, you may choose to use a local version of pusher-platform-android
To do so you can add the path to your local copy in your ~/.gradle/
It can be either a relative or absolute path.