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It’s advent of code in clojure. Have some milk and cookies: 🍪🥛🍪🍪

║ //////////////////////////\_________________________ ║
       .--'~ ~ ~|        .-' *       \  /     '-.   1 **
    .--'~  ,* ~ |        |  >o<   \_\_\|_/__/   |   2 **
.---': ~ '(~), ~|        | >@>O< o-_/.()__------|   3 **
|#..@'. ~ " ' ~ |        |>O>o<@< \____       .'|   4 **
|_.~._#'.. ~ ~ *|        | _| |_    ..\_\_ ..'* |   5 *
| ||| @@ @'''...|        |...     .'  '.'''../..|   6 **
|@~~~@@@@@###@  |        |/\ ''.  |    |   -/  :|   7 **
|~~..--. _____  |        |* /~\ '.|    | - /  .'|   8 *
'---'  |        |        |        |    |        |   9
       |------- |        |   /\ .'|    |'''~~~~~|  10 **
       |.......||        |/\ ..'  |    |   . .  |  11 *
       |  -  -  |        |''':::::|    |  .    .|  12 *
       |        |        |        |    |        |  13
       |...'..''|        |.. :::::|    |..|\..''|  14 *
       |.  ''.  |        |. .:::::|    |──┬┴┴┴┬─|  15 *
       |        |        |        |    |        |  16
       |        |        |        |    |        |  17
       |        |        |        |    |        |  18
       | ~ ..'  |        |:   '.  |    |─┘├┬┬┬┴─|  19 *
       |        |        |        '.  .'        |  20
.------'        '------. |          ''          |  21
| .---_ '------'_  .~' | |.  |\|\ / \ /~ >@<<*<O|  22 **
|/ / /\||      | )/~\  | |___|\|________>O>>o>>o|  23 **
|                      | |                      |  24
|                      | '-.                  .-'  25
(ns user
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [lib.aoc :refer [get-input]]))
Part 1
(let [nums (map Integer/parseInt (string/split (get-input "1") #"(\n|   )"))
      list1 (sort (take-nth 2 nums))
      list2 (sort (take-nth 2 (drop 1 nums)))]
  (->> (interleave list1 list2)
       (partition 2)
       (map (partial apply -))
       (map abs)
       (apply +)))

Bonus: uiua

# Uiua 0.14.0-dev.5
&fras "1.txt"
/+≡⌵-⊢⟜⊣≡⍆⍉⊜(⊜⋕⊸≠@ )⊸≠@\n
Part 2
(let [nums (map Integer/parseInt (string/split (get-input "1") #"(\n|   )"))
      list1 (take-nth 2 nums)
      list2 (take-nth 2 (drop 1 nums))
      freqs (frequencies list2)]
  (->> list1
       (map (fn [n] (* n (or (get freqs n) 0))))
       (apply +)))
Part 1
(let [levels (string/split-lines (get-input "2"))
      levels (map #(map Integer/parseInt (string/split % #" ")) levels)]
  (->> levels
       (remove (fn [level]
                 ;; increasing/decreasing, set cast for same floor case
                 (not (or (= (sort > (set level)) level)
                          (= (sort < (set level)) level)))))
       (remove (fn [level]
                 (->> (partition 2 1 level)
                      (map (fn [[cur next]]
                             (<= 1 (abs (- cur next)) 3)))
                      (some false?))))
Part 2
(defn valid-level? [level]
   ;; increasing/decreasing
   (or (= (sort > (set level)) level)
       (= (sort < (set level)) level))
   ;; floor transition in range
   (not (->> (partition 2 1 level)
             (map (fn [[cur next]]
                    (<= 1 (abs (- cur next)) 3)))
             (some false?)))))

(defn drop-nth [n coll]
  (keep-indexed #(if (not= %1 n) %2) coll))

(let [levels (string/split-lines (get-input "2"))
      levels (map #(map Integer/parseInt (string/split % #" ")) levels)]
  (->> levels
       (filter (fn [level]
                 (or (valid-level? level)    ; already valid?
                     ;; dampener time
                     (some valid-level?
                           (map #(drop-nth % level)
                                (-> level count range))))))
Part 1
(->> (get-input "3")
     (re-seq #"mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)")
     (map (fn [[_ x y]] (* (parse-long x) (parse-long y))))
     (apply +))
Part 2
(->> (get-input "3")
     (re-seq #"(mul|do|don't)\(((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}))?\)")
     (reduce (fn [state [_ op _ x y]]
               (condp = op
                 "do" (assoc state :enabled? true)
                 "don't" (assoc state :enabled? false)
                 "mul" (if (:enabled? state)
                         (update state :sum (partial + (* (parse-long x) (parse-long y))))
             {:enabled? true
              :sum 0})
Part 1
(let [input (string/split-lines (get-input "4"))
      dirs (for [x [-1 0 1]
                 y [-1 0 1]]
             [x y])
      look (fn [[x y]] (-> input (get x []) (get y nil)))
      move (fn [[x y] [xx yy]] [(+ x xx) (+ y yy)])
      peek (fn [coord dir] (map look (reductions move coord (repeat 3 dir))))]
  (->> (for [x (range (count (first input)))
             y (range (count input))
             :when (= (look [x y]) \X)]
         (for [dir dirs]
           (= (peek [x y] dir)
              (seq "XMAS"))))
       (filter true?)
Part 2
(let [input (string/split-lines (get-input "4"))
      h (count input)
      w (count (first input))
      corner1 [[-1 -1] [1 1]]
      corner2 [[-1 1] [1 -1]]
      move (fn [[x y] [xx yy]] [(+ x xx) (+ y yy)])
      look (fn [[x y]] (-> input (get x []) (get y nil)))]
  (->> (for [x (range w)
             y (range h)
             :when (= (look [x y]) \A)]
         (and (= (set "SM") (set (map #(-> % (move [x y]) look) corner1)))
              (= (set "SM") (set (map #(-> % (move [x y]) look) corner2)))))
       (filter true?)
Part 1
;; I should do this better later lmao
(let [[rules manuals] (string/split (get-input "5") #"\n\n")
      middle (fn [v] (nth v (quot (count v) 2)))
      rules (map (fn [rule]
                   (let [[a b] (string/split rule #"\|")]
                     [[a b] (re-pattern (format ".*%s(?!.*%s).*" b a))]))
                 (string/split-lines rules))]
  (->> (string/split-lines manuals)
       (filter (fn [manual] (every? (fn [[[a b] rule]]
                                      (if (and (string/includes? manual a)
                                               (string/includes? manual b))
                                        (re-matches rule manual)
                                        true)) rules)))
       (map #(string/split % #","))
       (map middle)
       (map parse-long)
       (reduce +)))
Part 2
(defn swap-vals [a b coll]
  (let [ai (.indexOf coll a)
        bi (.indexOf coll b)]
    (-> coll
        (update ai (constantly b))
        (update bi (constantly a)))))

(let [[rules manuals] (string/split (get-input "5") #"\n\n")
      middle (fn [v] (nth v (quot (count v) 2)))
      rules (map (fn [rule]
                   (let [[a b] (mapv parse-long (re-seq #"[0-9]+" rule))]
                     [[a b]
                      ;; check if matches
                      (fn [manual]
                        (< (.indexOf manual a)
                           (.indexOf manual b)))]))
                 (string/split-lines rules))
      passes-rule? (fn [manual [[a b] check]]
                     (if (and ((set manual) a)
                              ((set manual) b))
                       (check manual)
      manual-good? (fn [manual] (every? #(passes-rule? manual %) rules))]

  (->> (string/split-lines manuals)
       (map #(mapv parse-long (string/split % #",")))
       (remove manual-good?)
       (map (fn [manual]
              (loop [manual manual]
                (if (manual-good? manual)
                  (let [bad-rule (first (filter (complement (partial passes-rule? manual)) rules))
                        [[a b] _] bad-rule]
                    (recur (swap-vals a b manual)))))))
       (map middle)
       (reduce +)))
Part 1
(let [input (string/split-lines (get-input "6"))
      look (fn [[x y]] (-> input (get y []) (get x nil)))
      ;; ugh
      position (loop [x 0 y 0]
                 (if-let [found-x (->> (get input y)
                                       (keep-indexed (fn [i c] (when ((set (seq "<>^v")) c) i)))
                   [found-x y]
                   (recur x (inc y))))
      dirs [[0 -1] [1 0] [0 1] [-1 0]]]
  (loop [dir (string/index-of "^>v<" (look position))
         position position
         seen #{position}]
    (let [[x y] position
          [x- y-] (get dirs (mod dir (count dirs)))
          next [(+ x x-) (+ y y-)]]
      (condp = (look next)
        nil (inc (count seen))          ;***!
        \# (recur (inc dir) position seen)
        (recur dir next (conj seen position))))))
Part 2
(def board
  (let [input (string/split-lines (get-input "6"))
        look (fn [[x y]] (-> input (get y []) (get x nil)))]
    (-> (reduce (fn [state coord]
                  (condp = (look coord)
                    \. (update state :blanks conj coord)
                    \# (update state :blocks conj coord)
                    (update state :position (constantly [coord (string/index-of "^>v<" (look coord))]))))
                {:blocks #{} :blanks #{} :position nil}
                (for [x (range (count (first input)))
                      y (range (count input))]
                  [x y]))
        (assoc :width (count (first input)))
        (assoc :height (count input)))))

(defn check-board [new-block]
  (let [blocks (conj (:blocks board) new-block)
        dirs [[0 -1] [1 0] [0 1] [-1 0]]]
    (loop [ref (:position board)
           seen #{}]
      (let [[position dir-index] ref
            dir-index (mod dir-index (count dirs))
            [x y] position
            [x- y-] (get dirs dir-index)
            next [(+ x x-) (+ y y-)]
            within-board? (and (<= 0 (first next) (:width board))
                               (<= 0 (second next) (:height board)))]
          (seen ref) true
          (not within-board?) nil
          (blocks next) (recur [position (inc dir-index)] (conj seen ref))
          :else (recur [next dir-index] (conj seen ref)))))) )

(count (remove nil? (pmap check-board (:blanks board))))
Part 1
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])

;; eg [[1 2 3] [- *]]
(defn solve [nums ops]
  (loop [current (first nums)
         nums (drop 1 nums)
         ops ops]
    ;; (prn nums ops)
    (if (= [] ops)
      (let [[num & rest-nums] nums
            [op & rest-ops] ops]
        (recur (op current num) (vec rest-nums) (vec rest-ops))))))

(let [input (->> (string/split-lines (get-input "7"))
                 (map (fn [line] (keep parse-long (string/split line #":| ")))))]
  (->> input
       (filter (fn [[answer & inputs]]
                 (some (fn [ops] (= answer (solve inputs ops)))
                        (flatten (repeat (dec (count inputs)) [+ *]))
                        (dec (count inputs))))))
       (map first)
       (reduce +)))
Part 2

todo: this one is slow (~10s) - I think it’s the speed of our concat-op, can we use math instead?

(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])

;; eg [[1 2 3] [- *]]
(defn solve [nums ops]
  (loop [current (first nums)
         nums (drop 1 nums)
         ops ops]
    ;; (prn nums ops)
    (if (= [] ops)
      (let [[num & rest-nums] nums
            [op & rest-ops] ops]
        (recur (op current num) (vec rest-nums) (vec rest-ops))))))

(defn concat-op [n1 n2]
  (parse-long (str n1 n2)))

(let [input (->> (string/split-lines (get-input "7"))
                 (map (fn [line] (keep parse-long (string/split line #":| ")))))]
  (->> input
       (filter (fn [[answer & inputs]]
                 (some (fn [ops] (= answer (solve inputs ops)))
                        (flatten (repeat (dec (count inputs)) [+ * concat-op]))
                        (dec (count inputs))))))
       (map first)
       (reduce +)))
Part 1
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])

(let [input (string/split-lines (get-input "8"))
      w (count (first input))
      h (count input)
      look (fn [[x y]] (-> input (get y []) (get x nil)))
      within? (fn [[x y]] (and (<= 0 x (dec w)) (<= 0 y (dec h))))
      antinodes (fn [coords]
                  (let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] coords
                        distance (Math/round
                                  (Math/sqrt (+ (* (- x2 x1) (- x2 x1))
                                                (* (- y2 y1) (- y2 y1)))))]
                    ;; port of
                    [[(+ x2 (* distance (/ (- x2 x1) distance)))
                      (+ y2 (* distance (/ (- y2 y1) distance)))]
                     [(- x1 (* distance (/ (- x2 x1) distance)))
                      (- y1 (* distance (/ (- y2 y1) distance)))]]
      antennae (atom {})
      ;; oof
      _ (doseq [x (range w)
                y (range h)
                :when (not (or (= (look [x y]) \.)
                               (= (look [x y]) \#)))]
          (swap! antennae update (look [x y]) #(conj % [x y])))]

  (->> @antennae
       (mapcat (fn [[_ coords]]
                 (->> (combo/combinations coords 2)
                      (mapcat (fn [coords] (filter within? (antinodes coords)))))))

       ;; debug print
       ;; (reduce (fn [grid anti-coord] (update-in grid (reverse anti-coord) (constantly \#)))
       ;;         (mapv (comp vec seq) input))
       ;; (map (partial apply str))
       ;; (string/join "\n")
       ;; (println)
Part 2
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])

(let [g (grid/parse (get-input "8"))
      antennae (->> (grid/points g (not (= \. (grid/look g [x y]))))
                    (group-by (fn [[x y]] (grid/look g [x y]))))
      pairs (mapcat (fn [[_ coords]]
                      (combo/combinations coords 2))
  (->> pairs
       (mapcat (fn [pair]
                 (let [diff (apply map - pair)]
                   ;; branch out both directions, concat
                    (loop [results #{}
                           place (first pair)]
                      (if-not (grid/within? g place)
                        (recur (conj results place)
                               (map - place diff))))
                    (loop [results #{}
                           place (first pair)]
                      (if-not (grid/within? g place)
                        (recur (conj results place)
                               (map + place diff))))))))
Part 1
;; in progress
;; naive
;; [[id count][nil count]....]

;; [[id count][nil count]....]

(defn read-disk-sum [input-key]
  (loop [nums (map Integer/parseInt (re-seq #"\d" (get-input input-key)))
         id 0
         block? true
         index 0
         result []]
    (if (empty? nums)
      (recur (drop 1 nums)
             (if block? id (inc id))
             (not block?)
             (+ index )
             (inc index)
             (if block? (conj result [index (first nums)]) result)

             #_(conj result
                     (if block?
                       (repeat (first nums) id)
                       [[(first nums)]]
                     ;; (repeat (first nums) (if block? id nil))
             ;; (conj result [(if block? id nil) (first nums)])

(#'user/read-empty "9_example")

(defn read-disk [input-key]
  (loop [nums (map Integer/parseInt (re-seq #"\d" (get-input input-key)))
         id 0
         block? true
         result []]
    (if (empty? nums)
      (recur (drop 1 nums)
             (if block? id (inc id))
             (not block?)
             (concat result
                     (if block?
                       (repeat (first nums) id)
                       [[(first nums)]]
                     ;; (repeat (first nums) (if block? id nil))
             ;; (conj result [(if block? id nil) (first nums)])

(defn balance [disk]

(defn checksum [disk]

 (read-disk "9_example")

 [[0 2] [9 5]
  ;; [nil 1]
  [1 3]
  [nil 3] [2 1] [nil 3] [3 3] [nil 1] [4 2] [nil 1] [5 4] [nil 1] [6 4] [nil 1] [7 3] [nil 1] [8 4] [nil 0] [9 2]]


;; spent some time thinking about a clever way to check
(let [disk (read-disk "9")

      length (count (filter number? disk))

  (->> (loop [disk disk]
         (if (= (count (first (split-with number? disk))) length)
           (let [[p1 p2] (split-with number? disk)]
             (recur (concat p1 (list (last p2)) (->> p2 (drop 1) (drop-last 1)))))))
       ;; (apply str)
       (reduce (fn [[i sum] id]
                 [(inc i) (+ sum (* i id))])
               [0 0])

  ;; input


Day 10: Hoof It

Part 1 and 2
(def grid (->> (get-input "10")
               (map (partial re-seq #"\d"))
               (map (fn [row] (map Integer/parseInt row)))))

(defn look [[x y]] (-> grid (nth y []) (nth x nil)))

(defn peaks [coord]
  (let [looking-at (look coord)]
    (if (= looking-at 9)
      (apply str coord)
      (remove nil?
              (for [dir [[0 1] [0 -1] [-1 0] [1 0]]]
                (let [next (map + coord dir)]
                  (when (= (inc looking-at) (look next))
                    (peaks next))))))))

(->> (for [x (range (count (first grid)))
           y (range (count grid))
           :when (= 0 (look [x y]))]
       [x y])
     (map (fn [zero-coord]
            (->> (peaks zero-coord)
                 ((juxt distinct identity))
                 (map count))))
     (apply map +))
Part 1
(defn step [n]
  (cond (zero? n) [1]
        (even? (-> n str count))
        (let [c (-> n str count (/ 2))]
          (map (comp Integer/parseInt (partial apply str))
               (split-at c (str n))))
        :else [(* n 2024)]))

  (fn [acc _] (mapcat step acc))
  (map Integer/parseInt (re-seq #"\d+" (get-input "11")))
  (range 25)))
Part 2
;; in progress
;;***: memoize with frequencies

(defn step [n]
  (if (zero? n)
    (let [length (inc (int (Math/log10 n)))]
      (if-not (even? length)
        [(* n 2024)]
        [(int (Math/floor (/ n (Math/pow 10 (/ length 2)))))
         (int (Math/floor (mod n (Math/pow 10 (/ length 2)))))]))))

(defn step-times [times n]
  (if (zero? times)
    (if (zero? n)
      (recur (dec times) 1)
      (let [length (inc (int (Math/log10 n)))]
        (if-not (even? length)
          (recur (dec times) (* n 2024))
          (+ (step-times (dec times) (int (Math/floor (/ n (Math/pow 10 (/ length 2))))))
             (step-times (dec times) (int (Math/floor (mod n (Math/pow 10 (/ length 2))))))))))))

(def step-times-memo (memoize step-times))

(step-times 2 10)

(apply +
       (map (partial step-times-memo 75)
            (map Integer/parseInt (re-seq #"\d+" (get-input "11")))

            ;; (count (step-times 75 (list 773)))
            ;; ((773) (79858) (0) (71) (213357) (2937) (1) (3998391))


       ;; (step-times 25 [0])

(def step-memo (memoize step))

  (fn [acc _] (mapcat step-memo acc))
  (map Integer/parseInt (re-seq #"\d+" (get-input "11")))
  (range 75))))
Part 1
;; note: initially tried to shove zipper in here, not the move
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])

(defn read-region [grid coord]
  (let [char (grid/look grid coord)]
    (loop [seen #{}
           to-check [coord]]
      (if (empty? to-check)
        (let [at (peek to-check)]
          (recur (conj seen at)
                 (->> (grid/neighbors grid at 2468 char)
                      (remove seen)
                      (apply conj (pop to-check)))))))))

(defn perimeter [points]
  ;; claude gave me a logic pointer here
  ;; todo: grid-library this
  (->> points
       (map (fn [point]
              (apply + (for [dir [[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]]]
                         (if (points (mapv + dir point))
                           0 1)))))
       (reduce +)))

(defn score-region [r]
  (* (count r)
     (perimeter r)))

(let [grid (grid/parse (get-input "12"))]
  (->> (loop [points (set (grid/points grid))
              regions []]
         (if (empty? points)
           (let [new-region (read-region grid (first points))]
             ;; (prn (count points) (first points) new-region)
             (recur (set/difference points new-region)
                    (conj regions new-region)))))
       (map score-region)
       (reduce +)))
Part 2
;; in progress
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])

(defn read-region [grid coord]
  (let [char (grid/look grid coord)]
    (loop [seen #{}
           to-check [coord]]
      (if (empty? to-check)
        (let [at (peek to-check)]
          (recur (conj seen at)
                 (->> (grid/neighbors grid at 2468 char)
                      (remove seen)
                      (apply conj (pop to-check)))))))))

(defn sides [points]
  ;; todo

;; 8
(sides (read-region (grid/parse (get-input "12_example")) [2 1]))

(defn score-region [r]
  (* (count r)
     (sides r)))

;; looking for price: 80
(let [grid (grid/parse (get-input "12_example"))]
  (->> (loop [points (set (grid/points grid))
              regions []]
         (if (empty? points)
           (let [new-region (read-region grid (first points))]
             ;; (prn (count points) (first points) new-region)
             (recur (set/difference points new-region)
                    (conj regions new-region)))))
       (map score-region)
       (reduce +)))
Part 1
(get-input "n")
;; in progress
Part 1
(let [[w h] [101 103]
      wrap (fn [[x y]] [(mod x w) (mod y h)])
      simulate (fn [times [coord velocity]]
                 (reduce (fn [c _] (wrap (mapv + c velocity)))
                         coord (range times)))

      robots (->> (get-input "14")
                  (map (partial re-seq #"-?\d+"))
                  (map (partial map parse-long))
                  (map (fn [[x y vx vy]] [[x y] [vx vy]])))

      quadrant-bots (fn [[x y w h] coords]
                      (filter (fn [[xx yy]]
                                (and (<= x xx (dec (+ x w)))
                                     (<= y yy (dec (+ y h)))))
      quadrants (let [w (/ (dec w) 2)
                      h (/ (dec h) 2)]
                  [[0 0 w h]
                   [(inc w) 0 w h]
                   [0 (inc h) w h]
                   [(inc w) (inc h) w h]])]

  (let [results (map (partial simulate 100) robots)]
    ;; visual:
    (-> (grid/make w h)
        (grid/gmap (constantly 0))
        (grid/gupdate inc results)
        (grid/gmap (fn [at] (if (zero? at) \. at)))

    (->> quadrants
         (map (fn [quadrant]
                (quadrant-bots quadrant results)) )
         (map count)
         (reduce *))))
Part 2
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])

(let [[w h] [101 103]
      wrap (fn [[x y]] [(mod x w) (mod y h)])
      step (fn [[coord velocity lined]]
             (let [new-place (wrap (mapv + coord velocity))]
               [new-place velocity]))

      robots (->> (get-input "14")
                  (map (partial re-seq #"-?\d+"))
                  (map (partial map parse-long))
                  (map (fn [[x y vx vy]] [[x y] [vx vy]])))

      ;; used to find one point at top of tree
      tree? (fn [robots]
              (every? (set (map first robots))
                      [[51 0]
                       [50 1] [52 1]]))

      show (fn [robots] (-> (grid/make w h)
                            (grid/gassoc \+ (map first robots))
  (loop [times 1
         robots robots]
    (if (or (= times 3000)
            (tree? robots))
      (do (show robots)
      (recur (inc times) (map step robots)))))

Day 15:

Part 1
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])

(defn ->dir [c]
  (condp = c
    \> [1 0]
    \< [-1 0]
    \^ [0 -1]
    \v [0 1]))

(defn shift [grid coord1 coord2]
  (-> grid
      (grid/gassoc (grid/look grid coord2) [coord1])
      (grid/gassoc (grid/look grid coord1) [coord2])))

(defn take-while+
  [pred coll]
   (when-let [[f & r] (seq coll)]
     (if (pred f)
       (cons f (take-while+ pred r))

(defn dir-look [grid pos dir]
  (->> pos
       (iterate (fn [coord] (mapv + coord (->dir dir))))
       (take-while+ (fn [c] (not (#{\# \.} (grid/look grid c)))))))

(defn blocked? [grid pos dir]
  (every? (fn [c] (#{\@ \O \#} (grid/look grid c)))
          (dir-look grid pos dir)))

(defn move [grid coords]
  (reduce (fn [g pair]
            (apply shift g pair))
          (reverse (partition 2 1 coords))))

(let [[grid moves] (string/split (get-input "15") #"\n\n")
      moves (map first (re-seq #"[v^<>]" moves))
      grid (grid/parse grid)]

  ;; one move
  #_(-> grid
        (dir-look position \v)
        (->> (move grid))

  (println "starting!")
  (as-> grid it
    (reduce (fn [g dir]
              (let [pos (first (grid/points g (= \@ (grid/look g [x y]))))]
                (if (blocked? g pos dir) g
                    (-> g
                        (dir-look pos dir)
                        (->> (move g))))))
            it moves)
    (grid/points it (= \O (grid/look it [x y])))
    (map (fn [[x y]] (+ x (* 100 y))) it)
    (reduce + it)))
Part 2
;; in progress
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])
(require '[ :as zip])

(defn ->dir [c]
  (condp = c
    \> [1 0]
    \< [-1 0]
    \^ [0 -1]
    \v [0 1]))

;; will only apply in the v^ case
(defn box-zipper [grid coord dir]
   ;; branch? is a fn that, given a node, returns true if can have children, even if it currently doesn't.
   (fn [node] (and node (grid/look-relative grid node dir #{\[ \]})))
   ;; children is a fn that, given a branch node, returns a seq of its children.
   (fn [node] (condp = (grid/look-relative grid node dir)
                \[ (map first (grid/neighbors grid node 23))
                \] (map first (grid/neighbors grid node 12))))
   ;; make-node is a fn that, given an existing node and a seq of children, returns a new branch node with the supplied children.
   (fn [node _] node)
   ;; root is the root node.

(defn read-zipper [z]
  ;; return nodes of a zipper
  (->> z
       (iterate zip/next)
       (take-while+ #(not (zip/end? %)))
       (keep zip/node)

(defn read-boxes [grid coord dir]
  (->> (if (grid/look grid coord \[) 56 45)
       (grid/neighbors grid coord)
       (map first)
       (mapcat (fn [c] (read-zipper (box-zipper grid c dir))))

(defn can-move? [grid boxes up?]
  ;; takes in box points
  (let [last-row (first (sort (if up? < >) (map second boxes)))


 '([2 2] [2 1] [3 1] [3 2])

 [2 2]
 (->dir \^)

(defn take-while+
  [pred coll]
   (when-let [[f & r] (seq coll)]
     (if (pred f)
       (cons f (take-while+ pred r))

(defn dir-look [grid pos dir]
  (->> pos
       (iterate (fn [coord] (mapv + coord (->dir dir))))
       (take-while+ (fn [c] (not (# (grid/look grid c)))))))

(defn blocked? [grid pos dir]
  (every? (fn [c] (#{\@ \O \#} (grid/look grid c)))
          (dir-look grid pos dir)))

(defn move [grid coords]
  (reduce (fn [g pair]
            (apply shift g pair))
          (reverse (partition 2 1 coords))))

(let [[grid moves] (string/split (get-input "15") #"\n\n")
      moves (map first (re-seq #"[v^<>]" moves))
      grid (grid/parse grid)]

  ;; one move
  #_(-> grid
        (dir-look position \v)
        (->> (move grid))

  (println "starting!")
  (as-> grid it
    (reduce (fn [g dir]
              (let [pos (first (grid/points g (= \@ (grid/look g [x y]))))]
                (if (blocked? g pos dir) g
                    (-> g
                        (dir-look pos dir)
                        (->> (move g))))))
            it moves)
    (grid/points it (= \O (grid/look it [x y])))
    (map (fn [[x y]] (+ x (* 100 y))) it)
    (reduce + it)))
Part 1
;; in progress
(require '[ :as zip])
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(require '[lib.grid :as grid])

(let [grid (grid/parse (get-input "16_example"))
      start (first (grid/points grid (= \S (grid/look g [x y]))))]

   (loop [path [start]
          to-check (into [] (grid/neighbors grid start 2468 \.))
          times 500
     (prn path "-" to-check)

     (if (zero? times)
       (if (empty? to-check)
         (let [at (peek to-check)
               looking-at (grid/look grid at)]
           (if (= looking-at \E)
             (recur (conj path at)
                    (->> (grid/neighbors grid at 2468 \.)
                         (remove (set path))
                         (apply conj (pop to-check)))
                    (dec times))
     ;; (grid/look )


   (grid/gupdate grid (constantly \+))


#_(loop [
         ;; at start
         path []
         to-check [start]
         times 500]

    (if (zero? times)
      (if (empty? to-check)

        (let [at (peek to-check)]
          ;; (run! clojure.pprint/pprint ["path" path "check" to-check "at" at])
          (println "--")
          ;; (grid/gprint (grid/gupdate grid (constantly \+) path))
          (if (grid/look grid at \E)
            (recur (conj path
                         ;; (peek to-check)

                   (apply conj (pop to-check)
                          (->> (grid/neighbors grid at 2468 \.)
                               (remove (set path))))
                   (dec times)

#_(loop [looking-at [[start []]]
         visited #{}]
    (when (peek looking-at)
      (let [[pos path] (peek looking-at)]
        (prn visited)
        (if (grid/look grid pos \E)
          (recur (apply conj (pop looking-at)
                        (->> (grid/neighbors grid pos 2468 \.)
                             (remove visited)
                             (map (fn [new] [new (conj path pos)]))))
                 (conj visited pos)))))


Day 17:

Part 1
(get-input "17")

;; in progress

Day 18:

Part 1
(get-input "18_example")

;; in progress

Day 19:

Part 1
(defn prefix-match [word parts]
  ;; (prn word parts)
  (if (string/blank? word) true
       (filter (fn [s]
                 (and (string/starts-with? word s)
                      (prefix-match (subs word (count s)) parts)))

(let [[towels _ & targets] (string/split-lines (get-input "19"))
      towels (string/split towels #", ")]
  (->> targets
       (keep (fn [target] (prefix-match target towels)))
Part 2
;; in progress

(let [[towels _ & targets] (string/split-lines (get-input "19"))
      towels (string/split towels #", ")]
  (def towels towels)
  (def targets targets))

(defn solve [word]
  (if (string/blank? word)
    ;; (apply str trail)
    (->> towels
         (filter (partial string/starts-with? word))
         (map (fn [maybe]
                (solve (subs word (count maybe)))))
         (reduce +))))

(def solve-memo (memoize solve))

(->> targets
     (map solve-memo)
     ;; (map flatten)
     ;; (map count)
     (reduce +))

Day 20

Day 21

Part 1
(defn mix-and-prune [secret-number val]
  (mod (bit-xor val secret-number) 16777216))

(defn next-number [n]
  (let [one (mix-and-prune (* n 64) n)
        two (mix-and-prune one (int (Math/floor (/ one 32))))
        three (mix-and-prune two (* two 2048))]

(->> (mapv parse-long (string/split-lines (get-input "22")))
     (map (fn [input]
            (last (take 2001 (iterate next-number input)))))
     (reduce +))
Part 2
(defn mix-and-prune [secret-number val]
  (mod (bit-xor val secret-number) 16777216))

(defn next-number [n]
  (let [one (mix-and-prune n (* n 64))
        two (mix-and-prune one (int (Math/floor (/ one 32))))
        three (mix-and-prune two (* two 2048))]

;; build [[number [1 2 3 4] price]]
(defn stats [initial-secret]
   (let [price (fn [n] (Character/digit (last (str n)) 10))]
      (fn [acc next-secret]
        (let [[last-secret history last-price] (first acc)
              price-diff (- (price next-secret) (price last-secret))]
          (conj acc [next-secret
                     (vec (take-last 4 (conj history price-diff)))
                     (+ last-price price-diff)])))
      (list [initial-secret [] (price initial-secret)])
      (drop 1 (take 2001 (iterate next-number initial-secret)))))))

(defn check-profit [all-stats freq]
  (->> all-stats
       (map (fn [s] (or (->> s
                             (filter #(= freq (second %)))
       (reduce +)))

(let [all-stats (pmap stats (mapv parse-long (string/split-lines (get-input "22"))))
      patterns (->> all-stats
                    (mapcat (fn [s]
                              (->> s
                                   (drop 4)
                                   (map second))))
                    (sort-by val >)
                    ;; assumption that it will appear in top 50 most seen patterns
                    (take 50)
                    (map first))]
  (->> patterns
       (pmap (fn [pattern]
               [pattern (check-profit all-stats pattern)]))
       (sort-by second >)

Day 23: LAN Party

Part 1
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])

(let [pairs (map #(string/split % #"-") (string/split-lines (get-input "23")))
      connections (reduce (fn [acc [a b]]
                            (-> acc
                                (update a conj b)
                                (update b conj a)))
                          {} pairs)]
  (->> connections
       (filter (fn [[k v]] (string/starts-with? k "t")))
       (mapcat (fn [[t-comp friends]]
                 (->> (combo/combinations friends 2)
                      (filter (fn [[f1 f2]]
                                ((set (get connections f1))
                      (map (partial concat [t-comp])))))
       (map set)
Part 2
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])

(let [pairs (map #(string/split % #"-") (string/split-lines (get-input "23")))
      connections (reduce (fn [acc [a b]]
                            (-> acc
                                (update a conj b)
                                (update b conj a)))
                          {} pairs)
      connections (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (set v)]) connections))]
  (->> connections
       (map (fn [[connected friends]]
              (->> (combo/subsets (into [] friends))
                   (reverse)            ; largest first
                   (filter (fn [friends-subset]
                             ;; all connected to each other?
                             (every? (fn [friend]
                                       (every? #((get connections %) friend)
                                               (remove #(= % friend) friends-subset)))
                   (set/union #{connected}))))
       (sort-by count >)
       (string/join ",")))

Day 24

Part 1
;; an "op" is eg [:z00 [:x00 :y00 bit-and]]
(defn process-ops [registers ops]
  (loop [registers registers
         ops ops]
    (if (empty? ops)
      (let [chosen-op (->> ops
                           (filter (fn [[_ [a1 a2 _]]]
                                     (and (get registers a1)
                                          (get registers a2))))
            [dest [a1 a2 op]] chosen-op]
        (recur (assoc registers dest (op (get registers a1)
                                         (get registers a2)))
               (remove #(= % chosen-op) ops))))))

(let [[registers ops] (string/split (get-input "24") #"\n\n")
      ;; create [:z00 [:x00 :y00 bit-and]]
      ops (->> (string/split-lines ops)
               (map (partial re-seq #"[^ ]+"))
               (map (fn [[arg1 op arg2 _ dest]]
                      [(keyword dest)
                       [(keyword arg1)
                        (keyword arg2)
                        (condp = op
                          "AND" bit-and
                          "OR" bit-or
                          "XOR" bit-xor)]])))

      registers (->> registers
                     (map #(string/split % #": "))
                     (map (fn [[k v]]
                            {(keyword k)
                             (parse-long v)}))
                     (into {}))

      unknown (->> ops
                   ;; [:z00 [:x00 :y00 bit-and]]
                   (mapcat (fn [[dest [a1 a2 _]]] [dest a1 a2]))
                   (remove (set (keys registers)))
                   (map (fn [register] {register nil}))
                   (into {}))

      registers (merge unknown registers)

      binary-string (->> (process-ops registers ops)
                         (filter (fn [[k v]]
                                   (string/starts-with? (name k) "z")))
                         (sort-by first)
                         (map second)
                         (apply str))]
  (Long/parseLong binary-string 2))
Part 2
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])

(defn parse [input-name]
  (let [[registers wires] (string/split (get-input input-name) #"\n\n")
        ;; create [:z00 [:x00 :y00 bit-and]]
        wires (->> (string/split-lines wires)
                   (map (partial re-seq #"[^ ]+"))
                   (map (fn [[arg1 op arg2 _ dest]]
                          [(keyword dest)
                           [(keyword arg1)
                            (keyword arg2)
                            (condp = op
                              "AND" bit-and
                              "OR" bit-or
                              "XOR" bit-xor)]])))

        registers (->> registers
                       (map #(string/split % #": "))
                       (map (fn [[k v]]
                              {(keyword k)
                               (parse-long v)}))
                       (into {}))

        unknown (->> wires
                     ;; [:z00 [:x00 :y00 bit-and]]
                     (mapcat (fn [[dest [a1 a2 _]]] [dest a1 a2]))
                     (remove (set (keys registers)))
                     (map (fn [register] {register nil}))
                     (into {}))

        registers (merge unknown registers)]
    [registers wires]))

(defn process-wires [registers wires]
  (loop [registers registers
         wires wires]
    (if (empty? wires)
      (let [chosen-op (->> wires
                           (filter (fn [[_ [a1 a2 _]]]
                                     (and (get registers a1)
                                          (get registers a2))))
            [dest [a1 a2 op]] chosen-op]
        (recur (assoc registers dest (op (get registers a1)
                                         (get registers a2)))
               (remove #(= % chosen-op) wires))))))

(defn get-num [prefix registers]
   (->> registers
        (filter (fn [[k v]]
                  (string/starts-with? (name k) prefix)))
        (sort-by first)
        (map second)
        (apply str))

(defn valid? [registers]
  (= (get-num "z" registers)
     (bit-and (get-num "x" registers)
              (get-num "y" registers))))

(defn switch [wires swaps]
  ;; pain. should've made wires a map
   (fn [acc [a b]]
     (map (fn [wire]
            (condp = (first wire)
              a [a (second (first (filter (fn [[dest & _]] (= dest b)) wires)))]
              b [b (second (first (filter (fn [[dest & _]] (= dest a)) wires)))]
   wires swaps))

(let [[registers wires] (parse "24_big")
      ;; wires (switch wires [[:z00 :z02]])
      swaps (as-> wires it
              (map first it)
              (combo/combinations it 8)
              (mapcat (fn [to-swap]
                        (map (partial partition 2)
                             (combo/permutations to-swap))) it))]

  (reduce (fn [acc to-swap]
            (prn to-swap)
            (prn wires)
            (prn (switch wires to-swap))
            (prn "---")
            (if (valid? (process-wires registers (switch wires to-swap)))
              (reduced to-swap)

  ;; (switch wires (first swaps))

  ;; (get-num "z" (process-wires registers wires))
  ;; wires

  (map set (combo/combinations [0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8] 2))

  ;; :min 4
  ;; :max 4


(combo/combinations  2)

[0 1]
[3 4]
[5 6]
[7 8]

(map (partial partition 2)
     (combo/permutations (range 8)))

(map set )

 (combo/subsets (range 8))
 (filter (fn [s] (= 8 (count s))))

((0 1) (0 2) (0 3) (1 2) (1 3) (2 3))


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