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Prometheus Exporter Packages

This project aims to provide a better installation and configuration experience for Prometheus exporters of nri-prometheus. It packages several open-source Prometheus exporters together with a binary that translates the input data into the specific format needed by the exporters and the nri-prometheus integration triggering their execution.

All native packages are available for installation in New Relic's public repositories.

Basic architecture of prometheus based integrations

With respect to "standard" integrations the ones based on prometheus do not collect the data anymore from the service, but they leverages the configuration protocol in order to register both nri-prometheus and an exporter (if the service does not expose directly prometheus metrics).

This repository provides a way to create packages to install the exporters, and an additional binary used to configure and trigger the execution of both nri-prometheus and the installed exporters.



Before installing any of the exporters, be sure to read the documentation for the specific exporter you want to install. Each exporter may have specific configuration options that will require you to modify to make it work for your environment.

Also make sure you read the documentation about the Infrastructure agent. The agent, in conjunction with our Prometheus Open Metrics integration, is the component responsible for sending the metrics, provided by the exporter, to New Relic.

  • Ubuntu, Debian
sudo apt-get install <exporter package name>
  • Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, RHEL, CentOS
sudo yum install <exporter package name>
  • SLES
sudo zypper install <exporter package name>

Local Build and Test

Make sure you have installed:

There are Make targets that help you build and run e2e tests locally:

  • Compile an integration:
make build-<exporter_name>
  • Run End to End test:
make test-e2e-<exporter_name> \


nri-config-generator folder contains all the code needed to build a binary capable to get as input the classical user configuration and as output a register protocol sample that will trigger in the agent the execution of:

  • nri-prometheus with the needed configuration (port, ignore rules, targetURL, etc)
  • the exporter with the specific configuration needed. Note that this is not needed if the monitored technology is exporting prometheus metrics natively.

All the integrations share the same code since the different configurations are passed using the //go:embed directive.

In particular the configuration injected is the integration configuration stored under ./exporters/{exporterName}

How can I track down different versions?

Since there are a lot of moving pieces it can be difficult data to understand what is actually running in the environment checking only newrelic. Each metric will be decorated with the following common attributes:

  • "": "nri-powerdns", (name of integration)
  • "instrumentation.version": "0.0.2", (version of integration)
  • "": "infrastructure-agent", (binary sending data to the backend, in standalone nri-prometue it is nri-prometheus itself)
  • "collector.version": "1.19.2", (version of collector)

The version of nri-prometheus can be retrieved from the agent one since they are package together. The version of the exporter can be retrieved from the integration version for the same reason

The data regarding the integrations are passed by configuration as metadata to nri-prometheus.

Adding a new exporter

In order to add a new exporter create a new folder ./exporters/{exporterName} with the needed files, you can refer to the powerdns as an example.

In each folder we expect to find:

  • exporter.yml: definition of the exporter
  • a bash script that will generate the exporter binary under exporters/{exportername}/target/bin/ Notice that this is needed if in the definition of the exporter package_linux=true
  • win_build.ps1 a powershell script that will generate the windows exporter binary under exporters/{exportername}/target/bin/ Notice that this is needed if in the definition of the exporter package_windows=true
  • {exporterName}-config.yml.sample containing the configuration sample for the Infrastructure Agent to run the exporter
  • {exporterName}.json.tmpl containing the integration configuration mappings loaded with the //go:embed directive.
  • {exporterName}.prometheus.json.tmpl (Optional) containing the nri-prometheus configuration mappings loaded with the //go:embed directive. If this file is not present, the default file config.json.tmpl located under nri-config-generator/templates/default will be used.
  • Optionally if the exporter requires any external config files these can also be added by including the files suffixed with a .tmpl extension. Read Adding external config files for more information.

The definition file requires the following fields:

# name of the exporter, should match with the folder name
name: powerdns
# version of the package created
version: 0.0.2
# Relative path to the License path from the repository root
exporter_license_path: LICENSE
# URL to the git project hosting the exporter
# Tag of the exporter to checkout
# Commit of the exporter to checkout (used if tag property is empty)
exporter_commit: fffbd7c4768681f93988c2c3287b690db20e6ce0
# Changelog to add to the new release
# (Optional) Exporter external config files (multiple files can be added separated by commas. i.e. file1,file2)
# Enable packages for Linux
package_linux: true
# Enable packages for Windows
package_windows: false
# Upgrade GUID used in the msi package. Required if package_windows is set to true
# This GUID should be generated and be unique across all exporters in the repository
upgrade_guid: 278db4a4-60a9-493b-b878-dc7b445a2db0
# Integration GUID used in the msi package. Required if package_windows is set to true
# This GUID should be generated and be unique across all exporters in the repository
nri_guid: 44ac2940-4aff-46fc-a46b-b1b8cd9a3505
# Exporter GUID used in the msi package. Required if package_windows is set to true
# This GUID should be generated and be unique across all exporters in the repository
exporter_guid: b246fde4-0083-4e16-beb0-09139fb5ca9f
# License GUID used in the msi package. Required if package_windows is set to true
# This GUID should be generated and be unique across all exporters in the repository
license_guid: a63afbd8-5ea3-4bac-85cc-1da438b8c8f4
# This GUID should be generated and be unique across all exporters in the repository
config_guid: 86733900-4e10-478c-9633-61595d0e7acb

When added open a PR and once merged to master a github action workflow will start building and uploading packages to Github.

  • In case one exporter definition has been modified or added the exporter will be released for the os requested and a Github release will be created
  • In case more than one exporter definitions have been modified the pipeline fail.

Please notice that exporters have their own build script but they share the packaging scripts, located under ./scripts

Adding external config files

When an exporter requires its own config files and does not accept passing the configuration either by CLI arguments or Environment variables, you can add external config files to the exporter definition.

For example, if an exporter requires a config.toml configuration file, you can add it by including a config.toml.tmpl file together with the other templates described above. This file will also be templated with values from the integration {exporterName}-config.yml. To include that file on the build, declare it on the exporter.yml definition file under the exporter_config_files setting:

# (Optional) Exporter external config files (multiple files can be added separated by commas. i.e. file1,file2)
exporter_config_files: config.toml

By default, the external config files will be templated and saved on the TEMP folder. If you want to specify a custom location for the external files you can do so by setting exporter_files_path in your exporter configuration file.

Passing the location of the config file to your exporter can be done on the exporter.json.tmpl by adding the expected flag and setting its value to the exporter_files_path and config filename. For example:

    "exec": [
        "{{ .exporter_binary_path }}",



New Relic has open-sourced this project. This project is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR DEDICATED SUPPORT. Issues and contributions should be reported to the project here on GitHub.

We encourage you to bring your experiences and questions to the Explorers Hub where our community members collaborate on solutions and new ideas.

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We define “Personal Data” as any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, including, for example, your name, phone number, post code or zip code, Device ID, IP address, and email address.

For more information, review New Relic’s General Data Privacy Notice.


We encourage your contributions to improve this project! Keep in mind that when you submit your pull request, you'll need to sign the CLA via the click-through using CLA-Assistant. You only have to sign the CLA one time per project.

If you have any questions, or to execute our corporate CLA (which is required if your contribution is on behalf of a company), drop us an email at

A note about vulnerabilities

As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.

If you would like to contribute to this project, review these guidelines.

To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today.


Prometheus Exporter Packages is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Repository for packaging Prometheus exporters made by the community.




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  • Go 52.9%
  • Shell 39.9%
  • Dockerfile 3.1%
  • PowerShell 2.5%
  • Makefile 1.6%