Utilised test container to facilitate the mariadb & mysql db unit tests
Utilised test container to facilitate the mariadb & mysql db unit tests
Utilised test container to facilitate the r2dbc mariadb & mysql db un…
Utilised test container to facilitate the r2dbc mariadb & mysql db un…
Utilised test container to facilitate the mysql-8 unit tests
Utilised test container to facilitate the mysql-8 unit tests
NR-374883: Dependabot Configuration & remove snyk workflow
NR-374883: Dependabot Configuration & remove snyk workflow
Utilised test container to facilitate the mariadb unit tests
Utilised test container to facilitate the mariadb unit tests
upgrading test dependency vorburger.mariaDB4j
upgrading test dependency vorburger.mariaDB4j
Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into experiment/dependency-submission
Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into experiment/dependency-submission
Introduce debug config for app-UUID
Introduce debug config for app-UUID
Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into test/custom_appuuid
Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into test/custom_appuuid
Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into feature/include-http-response
Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into feature/include-http-response
Dependabot Configuration and remove snyk workflow
Dependabot Configuration and remove snyk workflow
Update changelogs and json version bump
Update changelogs and json version bump
Add workflow to integrate Dependabot
Add workflow to integrate Dependabot
Do not initiate IastExclusionUtils if skip api is empty
Do not initiate IastExclusionUtils if skip api is empty
Do not resend server connection config if already sent
Do not resend server connection config if already sent
Send connection config if it is not empty
Send connection config if it is not empty
NR-370112: Add unit tests for file-low-priority-instrumentation support
NR-370112: Add unit tests for file-low-priority-instrumentation support
Fix ignored unit test cases in file, mongo, ldap and rhino modules
Fix ignored unit test cases in file, mongo, ldap and rhino modules
Merge branch 'refs/heads/develop' into release/v1.6.1
Merge branch 'refs/heads/develop' into release/v1.6.1