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this script is for manually testing our MDX -> HTML serialization and HTML -> MDX deserialization. serializing/deserializing is an important part of our i18n workflows.

yarn serialize and yarn deserialize are convenient shortcuts. you can also run ./serde.js serialize or ./serde.js deserialize.

the first argument is that path to the file you want to (de)serialize. there is an optional option --output or -o that will write the results to a file instead of stdout.


This script runs on MD/MDX files to troubleshooting errors and verify content during PR checks. It shows a progress bar in the terminal as it can take several minutes to read every file. It outputs any errors found when it is complete.

It can optionally take an array of files supplied in the terminal separated by spaces.

  • yarn verify-mdx src/content/file1.mdx src/content/file2.mdx

OR Optionally, you can supply it a directory path and it will read all files and folders recursively within it

  • yarn verify-mdx src/content/folder-of-cool-stuff

Otherwise, it will read all files under /src/content/,src/i18n/content, and src/install.

  • yarn verify-mdx

This script checks for the correct use of:

  • markdown and JSX syntax
  • valid yaml frontmatter
    • We also check for the required field freshnessValidatedDate which must be a date (YYYY-MM-DD) or never
    • release-notes, security-bulletins and whats-new posts will also be scanned for a required releaseDate field in the frontmatter.
  • <img /> sources and imports which utilizes the image-import-utils script
    • this util has its own progress bar and error output section in the terminal


Script used by verify-mdx.js that verifies the use of images in content files.

This script verifies

  • each import statement is followed by an empty newline
  • each import statement is formatted correctly
  • image names used in src attributes have a matching import statement
  • image paths in import statements have a matching file in /src/images


This script scans all english MDX docs excluding /whats-new/, /release-notes/, /security-bulletins/, and /style-guide/ and outputs a CSV. The columns contains the doc's relative filepath, last rename date (freshness date) if within 180 days, last edited date in the git commit history, and an array of all recent authors from the last 180 days. It takes no arguments and will run in around ~5 mins. There's a handy progress bar that shows in the terminal during execution.

yarn docs-freshness will run this script.

Example csv output

Doc Freshness Date Last Modified Date Recent Authors
src/content/docs/there/back-again/an-unexpected-party.mdx Tue Mar 14 2023 Thu Jun 22 2023 [Bill Baggins - 2023-06-22]
src/content/docs/there/back-again/over-hill-and-under-hill.mdx never Tue Jul 25 2023 [Gary d'Grey - 2023-07-25]
src/content/docs/there/back-again/on-the-doorstep.mdx never Mon Oct 02 2023 [Thomas Bombadil - 2023-10-02],[Gary d'Grey - 2023-07-25]
src/content/docs/there/back-again/the-return-journey.mdx Mon Jan 09 2023 Tue Mar 07 2023


This script scans all english MDX docs excluding /whats-new/, /release-notes/, /security-bulletins/, and /style-guide/ and inserts a new frontmatter field: freshnessValidatedDate. It checks if a doc is stale (created more than 180 days ago). If it is, the value is set to never, otherwise it is set to that date (YYYY-MM-DD). It takes no arguments and will complete in about ~20min. It was created to be run once on the repo, though it could be modified in the future to add this date to specific docs if we find a needs for that.


This script runs upon making a PR to the develop branch via a github action (.github/workflows/check-for-keys.yml). It scans all files, save one (gatsby-config.js), for any potential New Relic API keys based on a list of regex. It also scans all git commit history for any commits made in a PR to develop, looks at the diff for all said commits and scans those for API keys as well. This is intended to ensure no API keys are committed to the docs site or git history.


This script generates id's for What's new posts upon opening a PR to main in a github action (.github/workflows/update-whats-new-ids.yml). These are referenced by the NR One product from /api/nr1/content/nr1-announcements.json and used to show What's new posts to customers within the UI.

When the action runs, it checks out develop and compares the content in src/data/whats-new-ids.json vs posts in src/content/whats-new/. If there is a new posts not in the json, the script adds a new item to the array containing the path to the post and a new generated id:

"/whats-new/2020/09/new-post-slug": "12345",


The changes made to the json are committed to develop and will not be published and available to the NR One UI until a second release is merged that contains the updated json!

What's new workflow from new .mdx page to rendering in Product UI:

  1. New post is merged into develop
  2. Release PR #1 is opened to main
  3. update-whats-new-ids.yml runs > adds post path & id to json > commits changes to develop
  4. Release PR #2 is released and /api/nr1/content/nr1-announcements.json endpoint is updated
  5. Product service picks up changes and is able to display new post in UI


This script has two options: one will add redirects for all files' current paths in a given directory (including all sub-directories), or it will remove any redirects of a file's current path in a given directory.


yarn redirects add <directory>

yarn redirects remove <directory>


yarn redirects add src/contents/docs/taco

the file at path src/contents/docs/taco/cheese.mdx will now have a new redirect

- /docs/taco/cheese

and the file at src/contents/docs/taco/beans.mdx will also have a new redirect

- /docs/taco/beans

These files can then be moved to a new directory with a redirect that references their original directory