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Unit Tests

Getting Started

We use Minitest for the Ruby agent. The following command runs the unit tests without Rails:

bundle exec rake test

Super Easy Testing Setup

There is a script in test/script/run_tests that makes it easy to run the unit, env, and multiverse tests.


./test/script/run_tests -u          # unit tests
./test/script/run_tests -e 61       # env tests running rails61
./test/script/run_tests -m rake     # multiverse tests running rake in all envs and prepend/chain
./test/script/run_tests -q rake     # multiverse tests running rake only env 0 and prepend

If you set up shell alias for these, it will make it super convenient to run

add these aliases in ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshenv, depending on what shell you use)

alias bert="./test/script/run_tests -u"
alias bere="./test/script/run_tests -e"
alias berm="./test/script/run_tests -m"
alias bermq="./test/script/run_tests -q"
alias ber="./test/script/run_tests"

Also, if you set it to the full path instead of relative, then you can run it from anywhere and it will work in wherever you are (for example, if you've cd-ed into infinite_tracing and run bert it will run the infinite tracing tests if you're using the full path, but error if its relative)

Then you'll be able to run the tests super easy like

bert # run all unit tests
bere 61 # run env tests for rails 6.1
berm rake # run all rake multiverse suites
bermq rake # run multiverse rake env=0 method=prepend
ber -h # explains all the args for each option

Running Tests in a Rails Environment

You can run against a specific Rails version only by passing the version name (which should match the name of a subdirectory in test/environments) as an argument to the test:env rake task, like this:

bundle exec rake 'test:env[rails51]'

In CI, these unit tests are run against all supported major.minor versions of Rails (as well as with Rails absent entirely). The test/environments directory contains dummy Rails apps for each supported Rails versions. You can also locally run tests against all versions of Rails supported by your current Ruby version with:

bundle exec rake test:env

Running Specific Tests

These env variables work for both the unit tests and env tests.

Running a specific test file

TEST="path/to/test_file_you_want_to_run.rb" bundle exec rake test

Running a specific test by name

TESTOPTS="--name=test_name_of_test_to_run"  bundle exec rake test

You can also specify both

TEST="path/to/test_file_you_want_to_run.rb" TESTOPTS="--name=test_name_of_test_to_run" bundle exec rake test

Specify a seed

If you're running into intermittent failures that seem to be related to the order tests are run in, you can specify a seed to the randomization

TESTOPTS="--seed=12345"  bundle exec rake test


To run a multiverse suite

bundle exec rake test:multiverse[suite_name]

More detailed multiverse information available in the multiverse readme

Other Ways To Do Things

Unit Tests Only - Specify File and Test Name

This doesn't work for the env tests, but this is also an option when running just the unit tests.

You can also run a single unit test file like this:

bundle exec ruby test/new_relic/agent_test.rb

And to run a single test within that file (note that when using the -n argument, you can either supply the entire test name as a string or a partial name as a regex):

bundle exec ruby test/new_relic/agent_test.rb -n /test_shutdown/

Env Tests Only - Specify File

The file environment variable can be added to the test:env invocation to run a specific unit file. It can be exact file name, or a wildcard pattern. Multiple file patterns can be specified by separating with a comma with no spaces surrounding:

file=test/new_relic/agent/distributed_tracing/* bundle exec rake 'test:env[rails60]'  # everything in this folder
file=test/new_relic/agent/tracer_state_test.rb bundle exec rake 'test:env[rails60]'   # single file
file=test/new_relic/agent/*_test.rb  bundle exec rake 'test:env[rails60]'             # all *_test.rb files in this folder
file=test/new_relic/agent/distributed_tracing/*,test/new_relic/agent/datastores/* bundle exec rake 'test:env[rails60]' # all files in two folders