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Starred repositories
schism-lang / schism
Forked from google/schismA self-hosting Scheme to WebAssembly compiler
clj-commons / friend
Forked from cemerick/friendAn extensible authentication and authorization library for Clojure Ring web applications and services.
Cascading / cascading
Forked from cwensel/cascadingAll development now happens over here: https://github.com/cwensel/cascading. Cascading is a feature rich API for defining and executing complex and fault tolerant data processing workflows on vario…
pingcap / errors
Forked from pkg/errorsSimple error handling primitives
AppsFlyer / cloffeine
Forked from willcohen/cloffeineSimple and stupid clojure wrapper around Caffeine Cache
Deploy an elm HTTP API to AWS Lambda using serverless
A STOMP client for Node.js
go-stomp / stomp
Forked from jjeffery/stompGo language library for STOMP protocol
brian-carroll / elm-compiler
Forked from elm/compilerCompiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
Orcpub / orcpub
Forked from larrychristensen/orcpubCode for Dungeon Master's Vault Community Edition
Ring middleware to prevent CSRF attacks
ring-clojure / ring-mock
Forked from weavejester/ring-mockLibrary to create mock Ring requests for unit tests
seancorfield / clj-new
Forked from boot-clj/boot-newGenerate new projects based on clj, Boot, or Leiningen Templates!
async/await support for ExpressJS
clj-time / clj-time
Forked from KirinDave/clj-timeA date and time library for Clojure, wrapping the Joda Time library.
rm-hull / monet
Forked from ibdknox/monetA ClojureScript visual library
basho / webmachine
Forked from webmachine/webmachineA REST-based system for building web applications.
drapanjanas / re-natal
Forked from dmotz/natalBootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps