- Toronto, Canada
- 4h behind - https://nickpresta.ca
react-autosize-textarea Public
Forked from buildo/react-autosize-textareaA textarea perfectly compatible with ReactJS default one which auto resizes its height based on user input.
sentry Public
Forked from getsentry/sentrySentry is a realtime error logging and aggregation platform
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
redux-router Public
Forked from acdlite/redux-routerRedux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store
react-textarea-autosize Public
Forked from Andarist/react-textarea-autosize<textarea /> component for React which grows with content
GoURLShortener Public
A URL shortener using http://is.gd/ and the Go programming language (http://golang.org/)
go-wave-workshop Public
Something that can be `go get`'d to bootstrap our Wave workshop
lodash Public
Forked from lodash/lodashA JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras.
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 30, 2015 -
component-template Public
Basic template for starting JavaScript, Sass component development
HTML MIT License UpdatedApr 1, 2015 -
wave-js-todomvc Public
Wave's TodoMVC for an internal JavaScript workshop
panitizer Public
Go library for scrubbing strings of PAN (Personal Account Number) data.
payform Public
Forked from jondavidjohn/payformA general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs, and formatting numbers.
aglio Public
Forked from danielgtaylor/aglioAn API Blueprint renderer with theme support that outputs static HTML
nexus6-checker Public
Spam google play to find inventory of nexus 6 phones
grunt-s3-args Public
Upload your files with grunt-s3 to different buckets
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2014 -
taiga-back Public
Forked from Alotor/greenmine-backProject management web application with scrum in mind! Built on top of Django and AngularJS (Backend Code)
Python GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 1, 2014 -
packer Public
Forked from hashicorp/packerPacker is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedAug 20, 2014 -
wave-polymer-components Public
A Polymer component for the Wave Business Switcher.
django-states2 Public
Forked from vikingco/django-states2State machine for django models.
Python UpdatedJun 4, 2014 -
django Public
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 30, 2014 -
gocover.io Public
Forked from vieux/gocover.ioGoCover.io offers the code coverage of any golang package as a service.
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 4, 2014 -
goji Public
Forked from zenazn/gojiGoji is a minimalistic web framework for Golang inspired by Sinatra that's high in antioxidants
Go MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2014 -
goconvey Public
Forked from smartystreets/goconveyGo testing in the browser. Integrates with `go test`. Write behavioral tests in Go.
Go Other UpdatedFeb 23, 2014 -
goat Public
Forked from mdlayher/goatGoat: Go Awesome Tracker. BitTorrent tracker implementation, written in Go. MIT Licensed.
Go MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2014