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MichaelDiBernardo / gfycatid
Forked from ilsiepotamus/gfycatidID generator that creates a gfycat style random ID
ytase / react-router-scroll
Forked from taion/react-router-scrollReact Router scroll management
uploadcare / pillow-simd
Forked from python-pillow/PillowThe friendly PIL fork
Show where time is wasted during the context upload of `docker build`
A service for autodiscovery and configuration of applications running in containers
taylorhakes / redux-devtools
Forked from reduxjs/redux-devtoolsDevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI
jeromelebel / MongoHub-Mac
Forked from bububa/MongoHub-MacMac Native Mongodb Client
mailgun / manners
Forked from gwatts/mannersA polite Go HTTP server that shuts down gracefully.
ux project checklist
raintank / statsdaemon
Forked from bitly/statsdaemonMetrics aggregation daemon like statsd, in Go and with a bunch of extra features.
ctrlpvim / ctrlp.vim
Forked from kien/ctrlp.vimActive fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
Todo app using vanilla Web Components
darrinhenein / VerticalTabs
Forked from vvuk/VerticalTabsFirefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
glycerine / go-capnproto
Forked from jmckaskill/go-capnprotoCap'n Proto library and parser for go. This is go-capnproto-1.0, and does not have rpc. See https://github.com/zombiezen/go-capnproto2 for 2.0 which has rpc and capabilities.
bos / statprof.py
Forked from jrmuizel/statprof.pyA port of Andy Wingo's statprof.py to newer python by Alex Fraser
minrk / iruby
Forked from rclements/irubyIRuby has moved: https://github.com/sciruby/iruby
paul-nechifor / word_cloud
Forked from amueller/word_cloudA little word cloud generator in Python
emicklei / glog
Forked from golang/glogLeveled execution logs for Go + logstash support
cloudflare / circus
Forked from circus-tent/circusprocess runner and watcher built on top of zmq, and meant to be extensible
cloudflare / golog
Forked from i3149/gologA high performance wrapper around Syslog.
A jQuery library for formatting and validating form fields, based on Stripe's jQuery.payment library.
brenna / LLC-JavaScript
Forked from pearlchen/LLC-JavaScriptA full-day introductory workshop to JavaScript for #ladieslearningcode.
bradrydzewski / go.stripe
Forked from drone/go.stripea simple Credit Card processing library for Go using the Stripe API
webrocket / webrocket
Forked from nu7hatch/webrocketDistributed Web Broker for the Masses!
thomasdavis / best-practices
Forked from timoxley/best-practicesThis is a fork of timoxley - Tidbits of best practices information from around the web
thlorenz / WebGLCraft
Forked from danielribeiro/WebGLCraftWebGL implementation of Minecraft written in Coffeescript. Bundled with browserify with sourcemaps preserved to allow debugging CoffeeScript.
flavio87 / jk-navigator
Forked from thomasst/GoogleShortcutsGoogle Chrome extension that provides j/k/o navigation for Google, Amazon, Craigslist, Ebay, Yelp, Hackernews and Reddit