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Starred repositories
nkzw-tech / immutable-map
Forked from immutable-js/immutable-jsImmutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
microsoft / vscode-python
Forked from DonJayamanne/pythonVSCodePython extension for Visual Studio Code
The React documentation website
CSS themes for Pygments syntax highlighter, ready to drop into Jekyll. Also includes a custom theme builder!
diracdeltas / vstSpleeter
Forked from gvne/vstSpleeterA VST interface to Spleeter
orta / typescript-play
Forked from agentcooper/typescript-playBetter TypeScript playground
SpecialEffect / EyeMine
Forked from OptiKey/OptiKeyEyeMine - Play Minecraft with EyeGaze
LernaOpenSource / LernaOpenSource
Forked from lerna/lernaMIT Open Source fork of the Lerna project
samsch / hyperflux
Forked from jorgebucaran/hyperappTiny JavaScript library for managing state.
WickyNilliams / dotfiles
Forked from mathiasbynens/dotfilesPersonal fork of Mathis Bynens' dotfiles repo
badeball / cypress-cucumber-preprocessor
Forked from Klaveness-Digital/cypress-cucumber-preprocessorRun cucumber/gherkin-syntaxed specs with Cypress
SpainTrain / cdnpm
Forked from homezen/cdnpmDependency manager for CDN-based dependencies
grempe / diceware
Forked from yesiamben/dicewareA tool for generating strong Diceware passwords, with entropy and crack time estimates.
Nitrokey / dongleauth
Forked from 2factorauth/twofactorauthList of sites with two factor auth support for OTP and U2F hardware dongles.
node.green - Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
smihica / emmet-mode
Forked from rooney/zencodingemmet's support for emacs.
haskell-infra / hl
Forked from yogsototh/hlHaskell web site (old -- see new repo at https://github.com/haskell-infra/www.haskell.org)
PawPrints petition application for the RIT community.
Use Safari Reading List to Sync Articles to Instapaper
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
leah / 2048
Forked from gabrielecirulli/2048A fork of 2048 using the Dropbox Datastore API to persist data.
daveewart / colordiff
Forked from kimmel/colordiffPrimary development for colordiff
jimweirich / rake
Forked from ruby/rakeA make-like build utility for Ruby.
lastfm / lastfm-desktop
Forked from eartle/lastfm-desktopThe official Last.fm desktop application suite
dannyn / slimlock
Forked from joelburget/slimlockSLiM + slock = slimlock
yamldb / yaml_db
Forked from adamwiggins/yaml_dbRails plugin for a database-independent dump format, data.yml .......... Seeking new maintainers! See https://github.com/yamldb/yaml_db/issues/143
nbubna / HTML
Forked from adriancooney/voyeur.jsA simple, extensible way to work directly with the DOM.