- Minneapolis, MN, USA
- 6h behind - @nicksieger
single-dev-env Public
Forked from dockersamples/single-dev-envExample used to try a single container sample of Docker Dev Environments
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 13, 2022 -
compose-cli Public
Forked from docker-archive/compose-cliEasily run your Compose application to the cloud with compose-cli
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 27, 2022 -
xbar-plugins Public
Forked from matryer/xbar-pluginsPlugin repository for xbar (the BitBar reboot)
Shell UpdatedMay 6, 2022 -
image_science Public
Forked from asynchrony/image_scienceVariant of ImageScience that does not require RubyInline
Ruby UpdatedApr 20, 2022 -
swagger_yard Public
Forked from livingsocial/swagger_yardSwagger-UI compliant JSON generated from YARD. For RESTful Rails apps.
opentelemetry-ruby Public
Forked from open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rubyOpenTelemetry Ruby API & SDK, and related gems
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2021 -
rms-open-letter.github.io Public
Forked from rms-open-letter/rms-open-letter.github.ioShell UpdatedMar 25, 2021 -
standard Public
Forked from standardrb/standard🌟 Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
Ruby Other UpdatedMar 5, 2021 -
jrexml Public
JREXML is an add-on for JRuby that uses a Java pull parser library to speed up REXML.
departure Public
Forked from departurerb/departurePercona's pt-online-schema-change runner for ActiveRecord migrations.
Ruby Other UpdatedJul 29, 2020 -
serverless-plugins Public
Forked from CoorpAcademy/serverless-pluginsCollection of serverless plugins ⚡
JavaScript UpdatedMay 20, 2019 -
delayed_job Public
Forked from collectiveidea/delayed_jobDatabase based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2017 -
A pow replacement that simply proxies ports for a tld and logs the results.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2017 -
test_after_commit Public
Forked from grosser/test_after_commitMake after_commit callbacks fire in tests for Rails 3+ with transactional_fixtures = true.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2016 -
swagger_yard-rails Public
Forked from livingsocial/swagger_yard-railsRails engine to parse and render json for Swagger UI
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2015 -
ring-swagger Public
Forked from metosin/ring-swaggerSwagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps
Clojure UpdatedAug 18, 2015 -
poseidon_cluster Public
Forked from bsm/poseidon_clusterPoseidon cluster extensions
Ruby UpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
ordered Public
Forked from clj-commons/orderedOrdered sets and maps, implemented in pure clojure
Clojure Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2015 -
poseidon Public
Forked from bpot/poseidonA client for Kafka 0.8
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2014 -
thrift Public
Forked from apache/thriftMirror of Apache Thrift (incubating)
stark-http Public
Forked from evanphx/stark-httpThrift client protocol for accessing thrift APIs over HTTP
Ruby UpdatedApr 25, 2013 -
stark-rack Public
Forked from evanphx/stark-rackA rack middleware for thrift services
Ruby UpdatedApr 24, 2013 -
dcell Public
Forked from celluloid/dcellEasy-to-use distributed concurrent objects in Ruby based on Celluloid and 0MQ