- Minneapolis, MN, USA
- 6h behind - @nicksieger
A fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby (fork of Netflix/fast_jsonapi)
thumbor-community / aws
Forked from willtrking/thumbor_awsThumbor AWS extensions
3scale / swagger-ui_rails
Forked from RadPad/swagger-ui_railsSwagger-ui asset gem
nicksieger / dcell
Forked from celluloid/dcellEasy-to-use distributed concurrent objects in Ruby based on Celluloid and 0MQ
nicksieger / sinatra
Forked from sinatra/sinatraClassy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
nicksieger / jruby-rack
Forked from jruby/jruby-rackRack for JRuby and Java appservers
ActiveRecord adapter for JDBC and JRuby.
nicksieger / warbler
Forked from jruby/warblerWarbler chirpily constructs .war files of your Ruby applications.
Rack middleware for profiling JRuby applications
nicksieger / therubyrhino
Forked from rubyjs/therubyrhinoEmbed the Mozilla Rhino Javascript interpreter into Ruby
nicksieger / childprocess
Forked from enkessler/childprocessCross-platform ruby library for managing child processes.
nicksieger / guard
Forked from guard/guardGuard is a command line tool to easily handle events on files modifications (FSEvent / Inotify / Polling support).
nicksieger / bundler
Forked from rubygems/bundlerManage your application's gem dependencies with less pain
nicksieger / paperclip
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
A jruby-only memcached client and rails cache store that uses spymemcached under the hood.
nicksieger / memcached
Forked from arthurnn/memcachedA Ruby interface to the libmemcached C client
nicksieger / redmine
Forked from edavis10/redmineRedmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. http://github.com/edavis10/redmine is the official git mirror of the svn repository
nicksieger / saucerly
Forked from wycats/saucerlyPDF rending plugin for Rails using FlyingSaucer.
nicksieger / neo4j
Forked from neo4jrb/activegraphA Graph Database for JRuby. It uses the java lib neo4j as storage and lucene for quering/indexing
nicksieger / spork
Forked from sporkrb/sporkA DRb server for testing frameworks (RSpec / Cucumber currently) that forks before each run to ensure a clean testing state.
wycats / saucerly
Forked from timriley/saucerlyPDF rending plugin for Rails using FlyingSaucer.
nahi / jruby
Forked from jruby/jruby[I won't update this fork anymore. See original]
nicksieger / jibernate
Forked from headius/jibernateA JRuby/Hibernate integration example, maybe eventually a full API
whymirror / hpricot
Forked from hpricot/hpricotA swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
ecarnevale / hpricot
Forked from hpricot/hpricotA swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
nicksieger / hello_world
Forked from wayneeseguin/hello_worldHello World Rails Application for testing deployments.
A wrapper of the Java Whalin MemCache client for JRuby