- Minneapolis, MN, USA
- 6h behind - @nicksieger
A multi-llm Emacs shell (ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Kagi, Ollama, Perplexity) + editing integrations
A lightweight implementation of a Tailscale control server
Scripts and configurations to leverage lsp-mode in docker environment
Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.
Generate an IAM policy from AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud (GCP) calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy
A self-hosted, open-source Platform as a Service that enables easy swarm deployments, load balancing, automatic SSL, metrics, analytics and more.
Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications
Securely store environment variables and secrets in the cloud of your choice.
Instant, easy, and predictable development environments
[Archived] Run socat command in alpine container - follow up project at https://github.com/alpine-docker/multi-arch-libs/tree/master/socat
Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
Simple, open source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
Guide to using YubiKey for GnuPG and SSH
A community coding style guide for the Clojure programming language
A vulnerable version of Rails that follows the OWASP Top 10
Scans and creates symlinks for EyeTV recordings in Plex scanner friendly filenames
A JRuby extension/wrapper around the Java 7 Fork/Join framework
A Ruby library for testing your library against different versions of dependencies.
It's like a Swiss Army Knife for images, but one of those tiny ones you can keep on your keychain