Elfwood was a popular web-based alternative art gallery and online community devoted to original science fiction and fantasy art and writing. Elfwood had a FARP section, which stood for Fantasy Art Resource Project.
In this repository, I have archived all posts from the Writing Tutorials section.
Since Elfwood had been around for a while, the styling of these tutorials were all over the place, so it was also necessary to properly format each tutorial as well: each tutorial can be found as Markdown.
The basis for the archival is this snapshot from archive.org.
- Description, Dialogue and Action by Jessica Barnes
- Acquiring Feedback by Rachel sharon edidin
- The Deception of Description by Erin M. Evans
- Breaking Your Mental Blockers by Nfoster
- Originality in Fantasy by A.R. George
- Writing in English as a Foreign Language by Inger Marie Hognestad
- Writing Action Scenes by S. B. 'Kinko' Hulsey
- Narration on Narration by Melheim
- Developing a Strong Authorial Voice by Nicholas
- Building Stronger Story Themes by Timothy Pontious
- On Teen Writing by Elisabeth A. Wilhelm
- Writing a Story, Painting a Masterpiece by Jessica Ng
- Writing Lycanthropy by Jeff Burke
- Villains: Bad Bad Guys and Good Bad Guys by A.R. George
- Creating an Original Character by Maisha Foster-O'Neal
- Character Creation Form by Crissy Gottberg
- Creating Worlds by Emma Lydia Bates
- The Seed of Government - Part 1 by Crissy Gottberg
- The Seed of Government - Part 2 by Crissy Gottberg
- 10 Steps to Creating Realistic Fantasy Animals by Ashley Lange
On the Creation of Languages by Kathleen McGowan
Creating Effective Pantheons by Sarah N. Snyder
- Proper Use of Thees and Thous by S. Kocurova
- Rhyming in Poetry by Brian Buckley
- Poetic Forms by Brian Buckley
- Writing Stories in Verse by Aubra Penner
The collection of art and writing tutorials in the Elfwood Fantasy Art Resource (F.A.R.P.) is a part of Elfwood.
All rights reserved to the original authors of the posts. The FARP logo was created by Miguel Krippahl and Thomas F. Abrahamsson.
Those sections written by volunteers are copyrighted to Thomas Abrahamsson and the respective writers.