Using Alpine results in a much smaller Docker image!
- To build:
docker build .
- To build and tag:
docker build -t tagname .
- To run and get interactive terminal:
docker run -it tagname sh
This is a custom build based on PHP 8.0's alpine docker image, with changes to make Laravel back-end testing easily possible.
You can find the image on Docker Hub here:
For example, if you are running GitLab, you can use .gitlab-ci
on your custom GitLab instance:
image: nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine:latest
- vendor/
- node_modules/
- curl -sS | php
- php composer.phar install
- npm install
- npm run dev
- vendor/bin/phpunit -v --configuration --coverage-text --colors=never
- cat storage/logs/laravel.log 2>/dev/null
This will allow automatic tests of your application to occur.
A few notes:
- Front-end testing w/ Laravel Dusk is not supported in this version.
- This container ships with
Make sure that docker
is installed:
sudo pacman -Syy
sudo pacman -S docker
Make sure the docker
service is running:
systemctl start docker.service
Make the build:
sudo docker build -t nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine .
Test the build:
sudo docker run -it nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine sh
Make sure you're signed in to Docker Hub:
sudo docker login
Push the build:
sudo docker push nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine
This is quite slow since emulation is used.
To build for x86 specifically on Apple Silicon:
docker buildx build . --platform linux/amd64 -t nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine
Use the Dockerfile, customize it as desired and build it!
docker build -t nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine . && docker push nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine
You could then push that to Docker Hub if you need x86 support. (You can also use --push
with buildx
If you want to tag the current version (let's say... 1.0
) based on the latest version you just pushed:
docker image tag nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine:latest nicoverbruggen/php80:1.0
docker push nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine:1.0
Anyone can run it afterwards:
docker run nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine
You can also attach to the container with shell:
docker run -it nicoverbruggen/php80-alpine sh