import my signing key:
sudo pacman-key --recv-keys BA27F219383BB875
sudo pacman-key --lsign BA27F219383BB875
add the following session in your /etc/pacman.conf
Server =$arch
Use to build the packages alone
Use scripts/
to do lazy updates
If you already have the same packages intalled in other ways (e.g. from other repos, via yay
, or lcoally via pacman -U
), you'll need to manually "install" them again once, since pacman
won't update packages to a different repo.
E.g., if you come from , then you need to run the following command once so pacman will know it can upgrade to kernel available at repo 7Ji
in the future:
pacman -Syu 7Ji/linux-aarch64-orangepi5{,-headers}
E.g., if you come from , then you need to run the following command once so pacman will know it can upgrade to kernel available at repo 7Ji
in the future:
pacman -Syu 7Ji/linux-aarch64-{7ji{,-headers},flippy{,-dtb-amlogic,-headers}}
After running such command once, you can just pacman -Syu
later to upgrade normally.