Developer, Linux and FOSS enthusiast from Hong Kong
- Youtube:
- Website:
- Git:
- Email: (PGP Key)
Language Files Code Comment Blank Lines
JavaScript 133 10747 682 349 11778
C 62 9521 1062 1418 12001
Java 160 7724 131 963 8818
TypeScript 79 3434 134 141 3709
C Header 46 3309 4371 628 8308
Kotlin 24 1625 60 183 1868
CSS 7 705 18 133 856
Makefile 18 569 14 178 761
HTML 20 478 7 33 518
Python 9 261 15 31 307
Lua 2 161 0 9 170
R 3 26 14 8 48
Total 563 38560 6508 4074 49142
- OS: Alpine Linux
- WM: dwl
- Notifications: luft
- Terminal: foot
- Shell: sh
- AUR Helper: aureate
- Wallpaper daemon: wbg
- Wallpapers: catppuccin
- File Manager: lf, ccc
- Search menu: fnf, wmenu
- Browser: firefox
- Font: Monaspice Kr Nerd Font
- Bootloader: grub
- Grub theme:
(Based on sayonara) - File Manager: lf
- Using lfimg-sixel to support sixel in lf with foot
- graphicsmagick for SVG and GIF preview
- Fontpreview for OTF TTF WOFF preview
- Required packages: imagemagick chafa ydotool fzf
- VM
- Packages: bridge-utils libvirt qemu-full virt-manager virt-viewer
Windws partition in fstab should have these properties
UUID=94ACAFD1ACAFAC64 /run/media/N ntfs rw,user,auto,fmask=133,dmask=022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
device list # find device name
station [device name] connect [network name]
pacman -Sy git
git clone
bash night0721/.data/
git clone --bare
Credits to this tutorial
Go to about:profiles and create a new profile with custom folder
cd into the folder and create user.js
Copy betterfox into user.js
Restart firefox
Then follow to install stylus
Downloading codeberg and github css themes selecting mocha and lavender.
SUPER + S = Start Terminal
SUPER + F = Start Firefox
SUPER + C = Kill Active Window
SUPER + L = Lock Screen
SUPER + M = Power menu
SUPER + [1-9] = Switch to tags
SUPER + SHIFT + [1-9] = Move active window to tag
SUPER + SHIFT + Q = Quit to tty
SUPER + O = Increase opacity
SUPER + SHIFT + O = Decrease opacity
SUPER + B = Toggle bar
SUPER + AD = Switch focus to window
SUPER + QE = Change window size
SUPER + [,.] = Focus next/previous monitor
SUPER + SHIFT + [,.] = Move window to next/previous monitor
SUPER + SHIFT + SPACE = Toggle floating
SUPER + ENTER = Toggle focus
SUPER + P = Password menu
SUPER + SPACE = App Launcher
SUPER + SHIFT + S = Screenshot menu