A basic Ftp and Explicit FTPS client and server for nodejs that helps to make the transfer of files easier.
A web extension for mozilla firefox.
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Comparative Analysis Of Machine Learning Models for Loan Eligibility Prediction
React Native App that connects NGOs with Food Suppliers and Volunteers
Codebase for
nikhilkalburgi / community
Forked from asyncapi/communityAsyncAPI community-related stuff.
React component for rendering documentation from your specification in real-time in the browser. It also provides a WebComponent and bundle for Angular and Vue
nikhilkalburgi /
Forked from meshery/meshery.ioSite for Meshery, the cloud native manager
nikhilkalburgi / website
Forked from asyncapi/websiteAsyncAPI specification website
p5.js website built using Node.js, Grunt, YAML and Assemble
nikhilkalburgi / layer5
Forked from layer5io/layer5Layer5, expect more from your infrastructure
nikhilkalburgi / wagtail
Forked from wagtail/wagtailA Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
nikhilkalburgi / Layer5-docs
Forked from layer5io/docsDocumentation and Developer resources for Layer5 products
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