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File metadata and controls

49 lines (40 loc) · 3.48 KB

Visual Studio Code snippets

This repository includes a file with Visual Studio Code snippets for the most common Hugo shortcodes used in Developer Docs.

The available snippets are:

Prefixes Description
asideheader Inserts an Aside shortcode with header text.
asidenoheader Inserts an Aside shortcode without a header.
ccol Surrounds the current selection with content-column shortcodes.
tblwrap Surrounds the current selection with table-wrap shortcodes.
directory Inserts a directory-listing shortcode.
faqentry or faqitem Inserts shortcodes for an entire FAQ entry (question and answer).
headerfullfile Inserts a file header for a complete Markdown file.
headingpill or pillheading Inserts shortcode for a heading with a pill stating the release status (for example, Beta).
metatitle Inserts meta title fields in existing Markdown header. Used to complement a full file header (refer to headerfullfile).
metadescription Inserts meta description fields in existing Markdown header. Used to complement a full file header (refer to headerfullfile).
headerpartialfile Inserts a header for a partial Markdown file.
headerpartialfileparams Inserts a header for a partial Markdown file with input parameters.
inlinepill or pillinline Inserts shortcode for an inline pill (appearing after a piece of text) stating the release status (for example, Beta).
partialinclude or renderpartial Inserts a render shortcode to include content from a partial in the current document.
partialincludeparams or renderpartialparams Inserts a render shortcode to include content from a partial with input parameters in the current document.
twotabs or addtabs Inserts a new tabs section with two tabs for dashboard and API instructions.
detailssection or collapsible Inserts a collapsible <details> HTML element.

Triggering one of the available snippets will insert their body content at the current cursor position.

Additionally, the following snippets support surrounding existing text:

  • Aside with header
  • Aside without header
  • Surround with content-column
  • Surround with table-wrap
  • Create collapsible details section

How to use

Note: Make sure you open the root folder of your cloned repository in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), so that VS Code correctly detects the snippets file stored in the .vscode/ sub-folder.

To enter a snippet:

  1. Enter the snippet prefix and press Ctrl+Space (Command+Space on a Mac).
  2. Select the desired snippet and press Enter.
  3. (Optional) Enter or select a value for the first placeholder supported by the snippet, if any, and press Tab to move to the next placeholder. Keep replacing placeholders and pressing Tab. When there are no more placeholders, pressing Tab will end the process.

To surround existing content with a snippet:

  1. Select the text you wish to surround with a snippet.
  2. Enter the snippet prefix (temporarily replacing the selected text) and press Ctrl+Space (Command+Space on a Mac).
  3. Select the desired snippet and press Enter. VS Code will insert the snippet body and paste the previously selected content in the correct location.
  4. (Optional) Enter or select a value for the first placeholder supported by the snippet, if any, and press Tab to move to the next placeholder. Keep replacing placeholders and pressing Tab. When there are no more placeholders, pressing Tab will end the process.